Caleb Ross
Powerful Motivation
4 min readNov 20, 2017


Struggle is Strength

By, Caleb Ross

What makes someone strong?

Is it the fact that they can bench press 200 pounds?

Or maybe that they can lift a hundred pound sack of rice?

Well, that only means you are physically strong.

Let’s talk about what gives you mental strength.

Imagine if you could get what you want, every time you want it.

There would be no struggle.

There would be no hard work.

No challenges.

You are probably saying “That would be great!”

Well, actually… it wouldn’t. Because you would be very weak.

And then, when something hard comes up in your life, you wouldn’t know how to handle it, because you have never gone through anything that strengthens you.

The fact of that matter is: You cannot grow without struggle.

You can not develop strength without resistance, without challenging yourself, without struggle.

Struggle is temporary. It might last a minute, an hour, or maybe even a day. But eventually, it will subside, and something else will take it’s place. It is strength. If you quit, however, the struggle will last forever.

Believe it or not, challenge is your friend!

Perhaps not in the moment.

But for the evolution of your soul, for the long term benefit of you as a stronger human being — challenge is your friend!

If you didn’t have failures,

If you didn’t have struggles,

If you didn’t have disappointment,

You could have no strength, no courage, no compassion.

How could you?

Those qualities, the strength, courage, and compassion- are made from your challenges and struggle

You were given challenge because you are strong enough to handle it!

You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it!

Because you are strong enough to drive though it!

To thrive through it.

To inspire others through it.

You can help others that are experiencing what you have already experienced and conquered.

They will look to you and say:

He did it,

She did it,

I can do it too!

Because you are stronger than you think. All of you are.

You’ve survived all of your challenges up to this point

And you will survive whatever comes next.

But next time a struggle comes,

I don’t want you to curse the skies.

I don’t want you to blame anyone, not even yourself.

Instead, know that it was sent for a reason.

Know that it can be a lesson to you.

It might be to make you stronger, it might be to teach you patience, it might even be for you to show others your spirit.

But, there is a reason that you have the struggle.

So don’t you give up!

You have a purpose in this world.

And you will only find it if you keep going and keep growing.

Hard times past, strong people last. There will definitely be hard times in your life.

Everyone has them. But if you live through them, you can consider yourself strong.

I guarantee that each and every single person that is listening to this has been through struggle.

Each struggle makes them stronger.

Each time they are in a struggle, they should have the motivation and determination to go through it. Why?

Because they’ve been through struggle before.

And they can do it again!

And they will do it again!

And they will come out of the battle with the struggle and be ever so strong!

You see, there is a simple truth I can tell you from my experiences with life:

No matter what walk of life, what color, where you live, how much money you have… life will mess you up. But, the only thing you can do is smile, stand up, dust yourself off, and keep going.

I will not lose!

I refuse to lose!

I have been through so much already!

I will never give up!

If you can say those things to yourself, you will survive!

You will live long!

You will prosper!

And, you will be strong!

You can do this!

I believe in each and every single one of you!

But, you must believe in yourself.

This, is the key to success. This is how you go throughout your life with ease.

There are challenges to come.

But I promise that if you face those challenges with the mentality I have just advocated for you to have, you will succeed.

You might fall. But you will be able to get right back up.

As long as you believe in yourself, you can succeed!

Now you see. You don’t need to be physically strong to be strong.

Strength isn’t just about muscle.

It’s about mentality as well.

Each and every single one of you is strong, regardless of mental or physical disability.

You have the power. I believe in you!

You can do this!

Struggle is strength.

