The need for Community and Social Media Management — Introduction to ICO Marketing. Part 3

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3 min readSep 2, 2018

Often ICOs are judged based on their community size and activity, therefore this is a step that shouldn’t be overlooked.

Community channels

If you go back a couple years, IRC was king, IRC channels were the most used community chat/channel but then Telegram took IRC’s spot by storm and it remains as the most popular chatting platform. Yet, many ICOs still don’t manage Telegram efficiently.
Many ICOs still choose to not hire full time community managers and instead manage it themselves, and while it’s great for the core team to have an active presence in the community it’s impossible for most teams to handle the community on their own while also focusing on the development and promotion of their respective platforms, eventually, more and more users will start asking questions and looking for engagement in the groups and they should be answered within minutes otherwise a potential investor might be gone.Wechat is also becoming more popular and can also be used if your target audience/investors are China-based but might have some restrictions that Telegram doesn’t have.

The biggest mistake that many ICOs still do is getting fake members. Most investors will be anxious if an ICO community chat has 20k members but no messages for the last 24h. For most investors this is very suspicious and will turn them off . Having 500 active members is in every way better than having 20k bots.

Announcements and updates

It is important to keep your community updated and informed about what’s going on behind the scenes. Therefore, it’s important to periodically write a little update for your community to be informed about what’s going on. Whenever, something big is coming up or a big partnership is established it’s also recommend that an announcement is written and shared in all social media.

This updates and announcements should be posted in places like Medium, Steemit and specialized forums, with Bitcointalk being the most important one. It’s essential that once a new updated or announcement is published it is posted in the community chat and in the main Bitcointalk ANN thread.

Social Media Channels

Normally the more social media channels your project is on, the better, but, the crypto community is normally centered around Twitter. Therefore, your project should have at least an active presence in Twitter, Facebook and if possible Linkedin.
Youtube should be used if your project has promotional and informative videos to be shared. As well as, Instagram if your platform is geared towards a community that is active on Instragram (such as artists), however, if you are going to use this two platforms you must have strong visual content for Instagram and well produced videos for Youtube.

Number of weekly posts, times of posting and hashtags used should be tailored to your target audience and platform you are using. It is recommended for the project to have a dedicated person (or team if you can afford it) just for social media due to the important role it has in capturing new investors.

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