How To Increase Conversions by Leveraging Killer Email Subject Lines

Doug Brennan
Powerline Leads
Published in
7 min readFeb 5, 2021
email subject lines

A business with a lot of email subscribers has a better chance of increasing its profit; but only if they apply the right strategies. It’s a great first step to purchase an email list that has qualified leads; it‘s an even greater step to craft an effective email that would lead to higher conversion rates.

The end goal in sending out an email is for your leads to take the action you intended them to do such as clicking on a link and/or buying a product. Of course, your leads must be compelled to open your email first. This is where aspects such as a catchy subject line comes in handy. The higher the email open rates are, the better the chances for a higher conversion rate.

On this blog, we’ll delve deeper into using witty and good subject lines to entice your leads to open your email, read the brilliantly crafted content, and take the desired action that would help increase your conversion rate.

An Email Newsletter Subscription Today, A Product Purchase Tomorrow

The first step to executing an effective email marketing campaign is creating a substantial email leads list. There are marketing lists and leads databases for sale online for you to purchase. It is important, however, that you don’t fall for cheap leads lists, but rather look to buy targeted email lists that would be of better use to your email campaign.

A well-strategized email marketing campaign could get you a sales boost and even a brand boost. An email campaign takes continuous work to build and nurture a relationship with your leads. It takes constant monitoring; you have to keep a close watch on your campaign metrics.

Do you know how many of the emails you sent out were opened? Are you aware of how many read the content and click on the link that leads to your web page? These are important data that you should know.

Delivery Rate

The number of emails sent minus bounces divided by the number of emails sent gets you your delivery rate. Your bounce rate must be 3% or less and your delivery rate must be 95% or higher. These ideal rates could be achieved by getting a high-quality and verified email list from a respectable source that regularly verifies their email leads, just like Powerline Leads. Email lists from such sources would help you maintain a high delivery rate.

Open Rate

A sent email is useless if your receiver doesn’t open it. Your target open rate should not be lower than 15%; this means that at least 15% of your subscribers must be encouraged to open the email you sent. You get this by dividing the number of emails opened by the number you get by emails sent minus your bounced emails. Make sure that your email content must be relevant enough to hook your target audience

Click-Through Rate

You can get your click-through rate by dividing the number of people who clicked on your email by the number of emails sent. You must write an email that compels your leads into clicking on one of the links. Your click-through rate must be around 2.5%; your click-to-open rate must be around 20–30%.

Conversion Rate

Your conversion rate is calculated based on your goal, whether it is having a lead become a client or a lead completing your desired action. You must aim for at least a 10% conversion rate. There are various ways you could achieve such a conversion rate. Read on and learn one effective way which is maximizing your subject line.

Create Good Email Subject Lines Using The S.U.B.J.E.C.T. L.I.N.E. Strategy

As said, the goal of your email strategy is to get people to open your email, click-through to your site, and purchase your product or service. However, you must have an enticing email subject link to get them to click on the email in the first place.

So that you can easily remember, follow the (S.U.B.J.E.C.T. L.I.N.E.) strategies to create effective subject lines.


Short, simple, and straightforward.

Studies show that a subject line should not exceed 50 characters. You can always utilize the email preview to further elaborate on your subject line.

Go direct to the point; reserve those cheesy and flowery pitches to your email’s body. Keep the subject line neat and concise. If you decide to maximize the 50 characters, be sure to put the important details at the start as mobile devices show only 20 to 30 characters of the subject line.


Urgent and important; limited and critical.

Adding time and numbers, such as deadlines and validity periods, in your subject line can make a huge difference. It gets your email prioritized.

In general, humans are afraid of being left out or missing something. So, if your subject line calls to action or has a sense of urgency, your subscribers are less likely to hesitate in opening your email. Keep in mind that you only want to sound urgent, not to sound nagging.


Be brilliant, be witty, be smart, and be creative.

Subject lines are meant to be catchy since it’s the first filter that most subscribers use when categorizing and filtering their emails.

You have to be brilliant and creative with your use and play of words. Make use of smart terms, witty phrases, or add some humor — whatever you think is best to make your email stand out.


Jargons are like private jokes, they’re not for everyone.

Avoid using jargon in your subject lines. Remember, people tend to fear or hate what they do not understand.

Only use words or phrases that are generally understandable. Furthermore, when you opt for trending expressions or terms from social media, or blockbuster movies and hit songs, take into consideration the niche or segment to which your recipients belong to.


You’re human, be human.

Don’t make cold emails colder by sounding generic or robotic. Dare to put some emotions on your subject line, and your email as a whole.

We’re not asking you to play with people’s emotions, we need you to speak to their emotions. Be mindful of the difference. While the latter can help you increase your conversion rate, the former is regarded as a form of deceiving which could increase your unsubscribe rate.


Curiosity kills the cat. Curiosity opens your email.

Subject lines are like teasers and trailers, they should make your subscribers interested and curious. While the body of the email is where you put all the specifics, spill some details on the subject, just enough to make them want more.

You have to capture a snippet of what’s in it for them. Tease them on your subject line and please them on your content.


If it’s too good to be true, it’s probably not true.

Be as genuine and as honest as possible. Your subject line should convince your recipients that you are sending them an email that you think is beneficial to them, not to you.

Making use of statements or claims that sound too incredible might alert some built-in email filters and classify your email as spam.


Logical. Analytical. Rational. Sensical.

It helps to use logical keywords in your subject line which are relevant to the message that you’re trying to relay. By doing so, you make email filtering and searching easier and smoother for your subscribers.

Needless to say, your overall email should and must make sense.


Make information your weapon.

One effective way to keep subscribers is by constantly giving out relevant and beneficial content. People tend to keep and value things that they benefit from.

Load your email — from the the subject line to the body — with details that your recipients need and want.


Email recipients aren’t Lord Voldemort, they can be named.

You can personalize your email by adding the name of your recipient in your subject line. When they see their names, it makes them feel valued and appreciated. Personal touches make a cold email a little warmer.


Essential and Critical.

Reserve your adjectives for the body, and keep only the most essential and critical points in the subject line. People tend to open and read emails that they think are important and beneficial to them, so you have to ensure that your subject line makes them feel that way.

The essential stuff is always prioritized; the same rule applies in emails.

Remember to only get your leads database from a reputable source that guarantees to give you high-quality and verified email leads. The quality of your email leads will greatly impact your campaign. A list full of dead leads means a poor delivery rate which would negatively impact your open rate, click-through rate, and ultimately, your conversion rate. Once you acquire a high-quality list, focus your effort on crafting a relevant and interesting email that would encourage your leads to click on that link. Entice them with your subject line, hook them with your email content then reel them in for that coveted conversion rate boost.

Originally Published On Powerline Leads On August 13, 2020.

