Switching Over: Introducing Powerloom’s Official Blog

Pratik Gandhi
PowerLoom Protocol
Published in
2 min readOct 18, 2023

Hello Powerloom Community,

We have some exciting news to share. As our community grows and our vision expands, we believe it’s crucial to house our thoughts, innovations, and updates in a place that truly embodies our essence. With that in mind, we’re thrilled to announce the launch of our official blog.

Our brand-new blog platform will publish all our official updates, insights, engineering highlights, and news. Our mission has always been to stay connected, transparent, and easily accessible to our community. This move is a testament to that commitment, ensuring that you always have a dedicated space to dive deep into everything Powerloom.

But what about our Medium publication?

Fear not! Our Medium isn’t going anywhere. While our official content moves to our dedicated blog, our Medium publication will pivot towards celebrating community initiatives. It will serve as a platform for our community’s voice, where shared experiences, ideas, and stories from the heart of our ecosystem will find a home.

Here’s a brief rundown of what to expect:

  1. Powerloom Blog: Your go-to place for all official announcements, updates, and deep dives into our technology and vision.
  2. Powerloom Medium Publication: A community-centric space, highlighting initiatives, stories, and experiences directly from our beloved community members.

We’re thrilled about this new phase in our communication journey and believe this move will offer a more cohesive and enriched experience for all our readers.

Thank you for your continued support, understanding, and enthusiasm. We invite you to visit our new blog, bookmark it, and stay tuned for many more upcoming updates!


The Powerloom Team



Pratik Gandhi
PowerLoom Protocol

Full-stack Growth Marketer. Rooting for a Decentralized Future.