Fast Reading — The Importance of Machine Learning Model Monitoring in Today’s Market.

Daniel Cruz Rodrigues
Published in
2 min readApr 25, 2023

In recent years, machine learning (ML) has become a buzzword in the tech industry. Companies are investing heavily in ML to gain a competitive edge and improve their bottom line. However, building an ML model is just the beginning of the journey. To ensure that the model continues to provide accurate predictions, it is crucial to monitor it regularly.

The importance of model monitoring can be seen from the fact that even a small mistake in a model can have a significant impact on a company’s reputation and revenue. For example, in 2018, Amazon had to shut down an AI recruiting tool because it was found to be biased against women. The tool was trained on resumes submitted to the company over a 10-year period, and as a result, it learned to prefer male candidates.

In addition to reputational damage, model errors can also result in financial losses. According to a report by Gartner, by 2022, at least 40% of AI projects will have an ROI lower than expected because of improper monitoring and maintenance.

To prevent such scenarios, companies must implement a robust model monitoring process that involves regular checks for accuracy, bias, and fairness. Manual monitoring can be time-consuming, error-prone, and expensive, especially when dealing with large datasets. Hence, automated monitoring tools have become a necessity in today’s ML landscape.

At PowerofData, we understand the importance of model monitoring, and that’s why we offer a comprehensive suite of monitoring tools that can help you stay on top of your ML models’ performance. Our tools enable you to detect drift, bias, and fairness issues early and take corrective action before they impact your business .
Interested in learning more about the importance of monitoring machine learning models? Visit PowerofData to discover how we can help you ensure the reliability and accuracy of your models. Our team of experienced data scientists and engineers can provide you with the tools and expertise necessary to automate the monitoring process and stay ahead of any potential issues. Contact us today to learn more.

In conclusion, machine learning has the potential to transform businesses, but it is crucial to monitor models regularly to ensure their accuracy, fairness, and reliability. With the help of automated monitoring tools, companies can stay ahead of the curve and reap the benefits of ML without incurring reputational damage or financial losses.



Daniel Cruz Rodrigues

Data Engineer at PowerOfData | CloudOps Specialist | Data Democratization Specialist