PowerPool Biweekly Update — 07 February 2024

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5 min readFeb 7, 2024

Hello, PowerPool Community!

Today, we are thrilled to share with you an overview of PowerPool’s updates and achievements over the past 2 weeks.

In this article:

  1. The PowerAgent incentivized testnet
  2. Network stats
  3. PowerAgent Code & UI Updates
  4. R&D development results from PowerPool
  5. Community updates and latest achievements

Let’s dive into the details!

The PowerAgent incentivized testnet

PowerAgent’s incentivized testnet is continuing its operation on 4 networks: the Ethereum mainnet, Gnosis Chain, Arbitrum One, and the Sepolia testnet. The next step of PowerAgent’s multi-chain expansion will be Polygon with Scroll, BNB chain, and NeonEVM coming up soon!

To incentivize network participation, PowerPool offers weekly CVP airdrops to the best-performing Keepers on Gnosis Chain and Sepolia [1][2]. Stay tuned, PowerPool’s incentivization program will expand to other supported networks in the near future!

Furthermore, PowerPool has recently launched the Auto-claiming staking rewards program for Gnosis Validators. All Gnosis Validators have the opportunity to register a simple automation Job in PowerAgent to automatically and seamlessly claim their staking rewards when a certain threshold is met and receive a bonus CVP airdrop in the process!

Network stats

PowerAgent on Gnosis Chain:

  • 108 active Keepers
  • 127 Jobs registered
  • 62.3k Jobs executed
  • 282 xDAI paid as gas compensations and execution fees

PowerAgent on Ethereum:

  • 8 active Keepers
  • 2 Jobs registered
  • 116 Jobs executed
  • 0.75 ETH paid as gas compensations and execution fees

PowerAgent on Sepolia:

  • 10 active Keepers
  • 487 Jobs registered
  • 1.5M Jobs executed
  • 3 SepoliaETH paid as gas compensations and execution fees

PowerAgent on Arbitrum (initial testing):

  • 13 active Keepers
  • 14 Jobs registered
  • 1k Jobs executed
  • 1.11 ETH paid as gas compensations and execution fees

PowerAgent Code & UI Updates

Keeper node updates:

  • Added forced synchronization of Jobs in case of websocket reconnection
  • Ignoring _startEvent when reconnecting
  • Changed the default value of the number of requests to a subgraph to 1000
  • Client development in Rust has begun

Agent contract updates:

dApp updates:

  • Added subquery support in the dApp
  • Fixed a bug with filtering Keepers on the details page in “All Stats” in the explorer. When selecting a parameter for filtering (node version, RPC type, etc.), the entries in the table were not filtered
  • Fixed a bug with colors in graphs on the “All Stats” page
  • Added the Agent contract on Polygon
  • Added a graph of the coefficient of the number of slashes to the explorer on the “All Stats” page
  • Changed the application loading order in IPFS
  • The procedure for obtaining the price of the native token and CVP has been changed. Now the CVP price is taken from the mainnet, the native token price is taken from the specific network
  • Added display of the number of nodes for each version on the chart on the “All Stats” page
  • All event handlers were checked for full compliance with the data in the subgraph and errors were corrected
  • Raised own subqueries for Arbitrum, Gnosis, and Polygon
  • Configured nginx for subquery to work correctly
  • Placing transaction data for specific periods in a public path using a cron job
  • Debugged and fixed an error with incorrect minedConfirmedDiffMs in the database
  • Refactoring cron task for csv with public transactions
  • Transaction API Data Size improvements
  • Debugged and solved the problem with incorrect headers in responses with public files
  • Fixed transactions with null values in the rpcType field
  • Improved api performance by using Sequelize transaction syncBlockLogs cron stability improvement
  • api performance improvement by indexing database
  • Improved filtering of unmined transactions in cron task
  • Cron tasks performance improvement by using Sequelize transactions
  • Added synchronization of transactions that are not sent by nodes

UI/UX updates:

  • The layouts of the new main page of the site have been completed
  • A graph of Keeper slashing has been added to the “All Stats” pages of the explorer
  • Made a layout of the new Legacy Products page for the main site

R&D development results from PowerPool

Over the past two weeks, the PowerPool research team has been busy working with ecosystem partners, testing upcoming updates to PowerAgent, onboarding new community members to the network, and presenting in-depth articles to the broader public explaining PowerAgent’s current and future features.

Below is a summary of the R&D team’s main activities:

  1. The research team supported grant recipients with technical consultations, facilitating their development process.
  2. In addition, a series of AMA events were conducted with each grantee and articles were published on their product:
  • PowerPool X Daoism AMA. Daoism Systems is building SupremeDAO — an autonomous yield strategy combining automatically managed crvUSD borrowing against wstETH, subsequent liquidity provision into Aura.finance liquidity pools, and yield harvesting all managed by the PowerAgent network [3].

To learn more in detail, watch the full recording of the AMA event: https://youtu.be/1KWJwKNWg0Y

  • PowerPool X BreadChain AMA. Breadchain Cooperative are developing an innovative crowdstaking application, applying PowerAgent to enable automated yield fund disbursement, treasury management, and seamless conversion of EigenLayer rewards into BREAD tokens [4].

They have successfully outlined the design specs of each of PowerAgent’s applications and are currently in the smart contract development phase. After completion, Breadchain will go into the deployment and testing phase and create a user interface for their dApp.

For details, watch the AMA recording on YouTube: https://youtu.be/_kDAe0gA2_Q

  • PowerPool X Partitura AMA. Partitura are developing the PowerAgentModule for Safe that will whitelist transactions to be executable for PowerAgent Keepers, enabling Account Abstraction and automating with AI using PowerPool automation [5].

Partitura’s team has already successfully developed the PoC project, coded the required smart contracts, test and helper scripts, and performed the initial testing of the product. Their team is preparing to deploy the smart contract across all supported networks, conduct final testing, build their dApp, and integrate PowerPool into the Partitura dApp UI [6].

Watch the full AMA recording here: https://youtu.be/IzVEATrXM68

3. The development of VRF was started with the math/ description (presented in the article below)

4. Publishing detailed articles about PowerAgent’s architecture design and the upcoming PowerPool VRF for networks without a readily available source of randomness:

5. On January 31st, PowerPool’s research team participated in the Gnosis Dev community call. We brought a short PowerPool overview followed by a demonstration of the automated Gnosis Validator reward claiming Job creation.

If you missed the call, watch the recording here: https://youtu.be/LI_O73t9ynM

6. PowerPool’s technical documentation has been updated to match its current configuration. The following sections have been reworked:

Community updates and latest achievements

1. PowerPool’s CVP has achieved an impressive #2 ranking by @Cryptolaxy, showcasing its remarkable 24-hour trading volume to market cap ratio.

2. On January 18, PowerPool’s team was pleased to join the 12th Gnosis Chain validators meetup on Discord. During our presentation, we explained how the PowerAgent network adds substantial value to the Gnosis ecosystem by enabling validators to generate additional income through automation services. We provided a step-by-step walkthrough on setting up a PowerAgent Keeper node and delved into our forward-looking perspective on automated web3, illustrating how it is reshaping the Gnosis ecosystem.

Watch the recording of PowerPool’s presentation at the Gnosis validators meetup on our YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/38BlQYHKlV8

3. Furthermore, PowerPool garnered attention one more time during January by featuring in Gnosis Chain’s weekly Newsletter, spotlighting how the PowerAgent network empowers Gnosis Chain validators with seamless auto-claiming of staking rewards.

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