PowerPool is going to Gnosis Chain mainnet!

Published in
4 min readOct 3, 2023

Gnosis will be the first chain automated by the PowerAgent network

The future of web3 is automated!

PowerPool’s vision is that in just 3 years, 40% of all transactions on blockchains will be carried out through automation networks.

Gnosis Chain vision is more focused on automation and Account Abstraction than any other chain so far

We are excited to announce that as the Sepolia testnet phase of the PoweAgent launch ends, PowerPool is preparing for its mainnet deployment on Gnosis Chain!

PowerAgent V2 opens a new chapter in smart contract automation

The PowerAgent network now consists of more than 70 nodes. The network aims to reach hundreds of independent nodes (keepers) on Gnosis Chain, eliminating single points of failure and preserving the core values of the blockchain.

PowerAgent value proposition for Gnosis Chain

PowerAgent provides automation services to Gnosis Chain users and protocols. These are some examples of what kind of automated products can run on top of PowerAgent:

  • Limit orders on DEXes
  • Automated fund management strategies
  • AMM position management
  • Automatic CDP management and liquidation protection
  • Vaults and rewards processing strategies
  • any kind of automation that Gnosis Chain protocols require for their correct operation

The PowerPool aims to onboard Gnosis Chain validators as Keeper nodes, which will receive tokens required for node staking via the Node Runner grants.

Read more about the value proposition of PowerAgent here.

Running a PowerAgent Keeper node on Gnosis Chain

Running PowerAgent is incredibly simple. A Keeper node is lightweight, consumes minuscule resources, and thanks to PowerPool’s partnership with DAppNode, it can be installed within 5–10 minutes. On top of that, it provides an additional source of income from automation fees and gas compensations!

Running PowerAgent means additional income for Validators based on execution fees for transactions signed.

If you are already running a Gnosis Chain Validator, your hardware specs will undoubtedly be sufficient to run PowerAgent in parallel!

Roadmap for Gnosis Chain deployment

PowerAgent V2’s Gnosis deployment will be separated into 3 consecutive phases.

There will be three main phases of PowerPool mainnet deployment and adoption on the Gnosis Chain:

  1. Pre-mainnet validators gathering
  2. Mainnet launch
  3. Mainnet expansion

Pre-mainnet validators gathering

To ensure a smooth Gnosis Chain launch, PowerPool must first complete all the necessary preparations. Our main goal for this phase is to have at least 100 PowerAgent Keeper nodes in the network.

If you are a Gnosis Chain Validator and wish to join the PowerAgent network, fill in this form please: https://forms.gle/yg6VJeTwKnJSBEvk6

Gnosis node runners will be invited to the Sepolia testnet to learn PowerAgent, test the network, and be ready for the mainnet from day one. At mainnet launch, all these testnet nodes will be converted to mainnet nodes with CVP stakes provided by PowerPool DAO.

In addition, during this pre-mainnet phase, PowerPool will reach out to the Gnosis community via X (Twitter) threads, AMA sessions, and podcasts to educate them about the new smart-contract automation tool that will go live on the mainnet.

Mainnet launch

After the Gnosis mainnet launch, we will continue to focus on informing the community about PowerAgent and motivate Gnosis builders/users/DAOs to use PowerAgent and create automation jobs based on the PowerPool incentive program.

During this phase, PowerPool will distribute Builder Grants to Gnosis Chain projects/DAOs from PowerPool’s treasury, covering their integration/automation costs.

PowerPool’s incentive program will promote the adoption of automation jobs in the network and provide additional on-chain exposure, as these jobs will increase the total amount of Gnosis Chain transactions.

If you are interested in applying for a PowerPool Builder Grant, submit your application here: https://forms.gle/4H5kisP7AGQzU4oJ7

Mainnet expansion

During the expansion phase of Gnosis mainnet deployment, we will focus on attracting builders into the PowerPool community and increasing adoption of the PowerAgent automation network.

Our goal will be to onboard a substantial amount of protocols/DAOs to use PowerAgent automation and grow the metrics of PowerPool’s presence on Gnosis: number of Keeper nodes, active automation Jobs, daily transactions, etc.

We will actively participate in hackathon/workshop events, conferences, and other activities to add new builders and grant recipients to the PowerAgent network to reach these goals.

Overall, this phase will be essential to our vision of automated web3 and Gnosis Chain’s narrative as the most user-friendly and fully automated network.

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DePIN layer powering AI Agents and DeFi automation in multichain universe. https://powerpool.finance