Global trends toward smart, efficient technology

Smart tech is getting the attention it deserves.

Published in
2 min readOct 3, 2016


It’s finally here. Energy efficiency is making global headway. As we make the shift toward a better energy focus, a market shift is occurring, too. Smart, energy related, Internet of Things (IoT) technology is taking center stage. And at the forefront of this revamp are energy management companies in commercial and housing sectors.

Technavio, global market research company, reported that the Global Energy Management Systems (EMS) Market would see growth of nearly 17% by 2020. Zion Research, who has valued the market at $31.29 billion in 2015, predicts that it will reach $63.16 billion by 2021.

This is great news for a lot of markets. Green living and efficiency have been made simpler than ever. Not to mention more available.

The commercial industry has seen a great push for energy efficiency, which has resulted in much of this research and funding into EMS. Following close behind is the housing industry.

Nationally, the smart home market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 32.43% by 2020, or reach $41.3 billion. The same technology businesses have been pursuing in terms of energy monitoring is now available to homeowners.

Federal initiatives are incentivizing the green switch. The commercial and housing sectors are taking off. More and more consumers are recognizing the benefits of energy related technology. This is the perfect setup for PowerSage’s début into the multifamily and Energy Information System (EIS) market spaces.

Property managers waste $10 billion annually due to a lack of quality information. Residents have little control over the renting experience and their energy. Both need accurate data and real time energy tracking. They need the right solutions at the right time to be efficient effectively. We want to be their solution.

While everyone else is getting on board with this technology, multifamily has been left behind. The world is recognizing the need for energy efficiency and green thinking. We want to bring the future to the multifamily market.

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