Questions about energy efficiency

Answers to what people want to know.

Published in
3 min readMar 13, 2017


This is what usually stops us. We like concepts, but then there’s the question. Or, more than one. And the answers aren’t easily accessible. Or, we don’t know what to ask.

People have questions about energy efficiency (and a lot of misconceptions). Compiled here are the questions I’ve encountered most frequently. And, the answers that might take someone from considering energy efficiency, to doing.

Q. Why should I care?

This is the kicker, isn’t it? If we can’t address why you should care, then we’re not going any further. I won’t discuss this in detail, since I’ve already done so here, here, and especially here. But, to propose a possibility:

Why not?

Say you’ve got all the money in the world. Why should you care about saving a pretty penny? Don’t make it about money, then. Instead, consider the fact that your energy efficiency pumps less CO2 into the air.

And, if you don’t have all the money, then make it about that. Your energy efficiency can save you at least 10% on your current bill. The great news? If you’re rich or not, either way, you save the planet and save money.

You’re welcome.

Q. Is becoming energy efficient expensive?

As I addressed in a previous article: not necessarily. Besides, by asking this question, you’re assuming that by telling you to be efficient, I’m telling you to buy something. Buying energy efficient appliances would help, but more often than not efficiency is about optimizing use of what you already have. So, by definition, it can’t be more expensive than continuing to do what you’re doing now.

Q. What is the largest area of energy consumption in the home?

The heating and cooling of a house is always the biggest energy hog. You can unplug your electronics and buy new lightbulbs later; targeting this comes first if you want to see the fruits of your efficiency. Second to HVAC is water heating.

Consider these tips on more efficient use of your HVAC and water heater.

Q. How do I calculate the energy use of my appliances?

Most people want to know what they’re using currently before they start saving. So. How do you calculate your current use?

On most items, they just tell you. When you buy new appliances, they’ll have an Energy Guide label. And, most devices list how much energy they use on them. For appliances or electronics that list their wattage, you can use a calculator like this one to get an annual quote. If an item doesn’t list its “use” wattage, you can use a watt-hour meter, or follow a formula.

The point is, if you want to see how much each device uses now, there are ways. That way, if you go to buy a new product, you know how much you’re saving.

Q. Are there residential energy efficiency tax credits?

Yes. There still are. Good for the rest of the year. Check them out.

Q. What do I do if I rent and don’t own?

You don’t have to replace appliances and do duct work to be efficient. Some tips for the apartment renter:

· Stay on top of maintenance. If something isn’t working, report it. This way, you fix the problem before it costs you more money behaving inefficiently. And, I’m sure your property manager will thank you for not letting stuff just break.

· Become aware of your habits. If you do laundry more often than you need to, schedule yourself. If you leave lights on all day, don’t. If you take long showers, try to shorten them. There are things you can do to save in an apartment.

· Let your landlord know you care about energy efficiency. And that you want technology that tracks and reports your actual energy use. And shows you how to personally be more efficient. You know. If you like that sort of thing*.

More questions?

Did you find what you were looking for? Still have an unaddressed energy efficiency question? Let us know, and we’ll do our best to provide some answers**.

*If you do like that sort of thing, consider telling us (and your landlord).

**We’re not perfect, but we try.




Writing bite-sized articles on technology, sustainability, and PowerSage discoveries!