Work curiosities episode #3

The case of the refrigerators

Published in
2 min readJan 18, 2017


With PowerSage, users are given the ability to see their appliances’ heartbeats. They can see if appliances are performing well, or subpar, and get the information they need to make sure disasters are prevented. They get unique insights. And we gather information on normal and abnormal data.

One example of this relationship comes in the form of a typical pilot deployment. We tracked the individual appliances of several apartment units. Below is an example of the kind of data our users receive. In this case, a day’s worth of data for a refrigerator. The activity visible is the cooling system activating throughout the day.

A nice, healthy heartbeat for a refrigerator.

This is typical of what we gathered from the majority of the pilot residents. Not for one, however.

In one instance during the pilot, the data we saw quickly became irregular. We could see the refrigerator kicking on continuously throughout the day, and at times staying on for hours.

Even a non-certified technician could see there’s some kind of problem here.

We immediately notified the pilot resident to send a maintenance report. The maintenance team was able to fix the refrigerator, avoiding the cost of replacement.

And when you own an apartment complex, with a lot of the same make and model appliances, the chances are where there’s smoke, there’s fire. If one refrigerator was acting up (outside of an individual fluke), what was to say there weren’t more? We were able to find a few malfunctioning refrigerators before our work was done.

Cases like these help us to learn and grow. They enable us to stock up on information regarding normal and abnormal operation. Over time, we gain the ability to accurately report exact diagnosis. Or, predict problems before they occur.

Most importantly, however, both of our customers — the property manager and their resident — benefit from our work. Both become aware of otherwise unnoticeable problems. They can both be confident that we’re tracking and supplying the needed data for maintenance. Both benefit from proactivity, and an improved renting experience.

And, best of all, the crisis is averted.




Writing bite-sized articles on technology, sustainability, and PowerSage discoveries!