3 Tips for making your VODs work for you

Published in
3 min readMay 21, 2020

Hey all! My name is Kate, AKA KateitaK, your local streamer and Community Manager here with some stream tips! Today, I’m going to share with you 3 easy ways of making your VODs work for you.

First, what is a VOD?

A video on demand, or VOD, is previously recorded content that is available to watch anytime. To make sure that your streams are getting recorded and saved, verify that the proper setting is enabled. On Twitch, you can find that here: https://dashboard.twitch.tv/u/<YourTwitchName>/settings/channel (just delete ‘<YourTwitchName>’ and replace with your information). Toggle the “Store past broadcasts” setting to on, and you’re good to go!

Let’s dive in!

Tip #1: Free your VODs!

If you’re trying to grow your stream: do not put your VODs behind a Subscriber-only paywall. A common misconception with new streamers is thinking that putting all your past broadcasts behind a paywall will incentivize people to subscribe. This will only hinder your growth as it takes away the ability for new people to see what you’re all about when they catch you offline. Keep those bad boys open for all to see! If you want to give your subscribers an extra bonus for subscribing, wait until you have a sizable amount of subs before doing so.

Tip #2: Upload to YouTube!

After you’ve finished your stream, download the video and upload it to YouTube! You also have the option of using your broadcasting software to record your stream and upload it directly from your computer. Many streamers do this to get their content out there without having to record something specifically for a new platform. Be sure to edit out downtime (bathroom breaks, adjusting equipment, etc) before uploading. If you stream for several hours at a time, this gives you the opportunity to make multiple videos by cutting them down into 10 to 30-minute episodic chunks. You can also create your own clip compilation videos, if that’s more your style. There are many things you can do with a VOD, do what feels good for you and your brand.

Tip #3: Utilize Collections!

Everyone knows about the clip and highlight features on Twitch, but did you know that you can arrange them together in a playlist, like YouTube? These are called Collections and are a great way to organize your clips and streams. You can find your Collections manager here: https://dashboard.twitch.tv/u/<YourTwitchName>/content/collections (just delete ‘<YourTwitchName>’ and replace with your information). Collections are a great way for you to showcase some of your favorite on-stream moments without having to dig through hundreds of random clips. If your VODs are recent enough, you can also add them to a collection! Perfect for putting a set of videos of a playthrough all together in one easy to find list. You can name them, set one of the videos as the thumbnail, and add up to 100 videos to each one.

There we have it: 3 easy ways of doubling (or tripling) the use of your VODs to make them really work for you. As always, keep up the grind. You got this!

Feel free to leave a comment with any questions and join the Discord!




Community Manager, Social Media Manager, and Customer Service Manager for Powerspike