Creating Attractive Sponsorships for Streamers



When creating an influencer campaign, sometimes it can be hard to narrow down exactly what kinds of promotions you want to do. Finding the most effective deliverables and asks versus what streamers actually enjoy doing is a balancing act, and can be frustrating if you don’t know how gaming influencers operate.

Powerspike asked streamers directly about their experience with sponsorship deals, and found out these helpful tips. Here we’re going to lay out five deliverables streamers love, three they hate, and one they’re not so sure about.

Let’s start with deliverables influencers love — easy!

  1. Product giveaways came in at number one for most loved! Let’s be honest — who doesn’t like free stuff? You’d be hard-pressed to find a streamer who didn’t like doing giveaways. They’re exciting and streamers love any opportunity to give back to their community.
  2. On-stream shout outs were next in line, and are probably one of the easiest asks of all. Taking aside 30 seconds or so a few times a stream to shout-out a sponsor takes hardly any preparation at all. It can also tie in well with number 5, where they can show off a product at the same time.
  3. Social media posts are another easy ask, and are extra beneficial if used by influencers with a big following on Twitter or Instagram. You can reach a wide audience and the posts are easily accessible (and shareable) for as long as they’re up.
  4. Game playthroughs are pretty tops! Advertising in the Twitch realm, most — if not all — streamers are gamers. A streamer getting early access to an upcoming game is a great way to generate excitement and exclusivity. Though it does go without saying that this only works if you have a game to promote!
  5. Showcase or demonstration of a product came in at number 5 and is a fantastic way to get your product or service in front of more eyes. A genuine demonstration and review of a product from a trusted influencer can make or break a new sale.

Now we move on to the top 3 deliverables influencers did NOT like:

  1. Encouraging their audience to download an app was voted to be influencers’ least favorite deliverable. Let’s face it: the majority of the new apps out there are just not that exciting. Most streamers don’t feel good about pushing app downloads — especially if it’s something they don’t even use themselves. This particular ask is definitely high-risk for coming off as ingenuine.
  2. Playing songs in the background of stream is another deliverable influencers tend to shy away from for multiple reasons. Everyone has their own taste in music, and chances are they may or may not like what you have to promote. In order to successfully promote a new song or album, you’d have to ensure that whoever signs on likes the music in advance.
  3. Demonstration or tour of the sponsor website was voted as the third least favorite, and for good reason. Influencers know that Twitch viewers have a very low attention-span, and taking as little as 2–5 minutes away from gaming (or their main content) to do a website tour can lose viewers quickly.

We have the one deliverable that had influencers divided

  1. Setting up a chat-bot with promotional messages surprisingly had streamers torn, right around 50/50. On the pro-side, it’s easy to set up a chat-bot to automatically post a promo message every so often. It’s a great way to consistently promote a product and website with a clickable link — you don’t need to remember to post it once it’s set up! A potential drawback here is that it may end up looking like spam if a streamer is having a slow chat day (which happens to all streamers at one point or another), and nothing but promotional messages filling the chat isn’t desirable for both parties.

Laying the foundation for a successful campaign is important, and can help dictate whether or not you meet your goals. Knowing how to appeal to influencers is key, and Powerspike is here to help! Get your next ad campaign started with experts in the Twitch industry, and leave all the hard work to us. Start today at and take your influencer marketing campaign to the next level!




Community Manager, Social Media Manager, and Customer Service Manager for Powerspike