Mavix and Bose. Our outstanding campaigns (so far)…

Carly Orris
Published in
2 min readAug 19, 2021

Powerspike is continuing to knock our campaigns out of the park this quarter. Here are some of the latest campaigns. We recently worked with Mavix and Bose to create exciting and innovative campaigns.

These campaigns not only delivered results but showcased why brands should embrace Twitch. Now let’s watch some creative branded content after the jump!

Streamer QTCinderella and her Mavix chair


Looking for a unique way to market their XChair, Mavix was looking for an opportunity to get streamers involved with an activation to help sell their product. Mavix tapped into Powerspike to help drive sales of the chair providing streamers with special codes and links to help track sales of each Twitch creator providing valuable insight into the generation of sales. There was a secondary goal to help drive awareness and education around Mavix’s product.

Powerspike collaborated with streamers solorenektononly, BotezLive, QTCinderella, and JustAMinx to bring awareness about the XChair. Each streamer added a different element to the campaign. JustAMinx extended the campaign to her social account, QTCinderella included the name of. the brand in the background throughout the whole campaign, and solorenektononly’s audience produced the second-highest number of sales.

The campaign brought in a total impression account 5.94M with 14K clicks. The campaign was able to extend through other social. platforms including Twitter which brought 3.5M to the campaign.


Bose came to Powerspike to leverage their streamer network to select new influencer talent in the US who will host livestreams to encourage/drive consumers to Best Buy in order to purchase all the Bose products.

To do this, Powerspike partnered with streamer Ludwig to host branded live streams supported with social posts which drive interest in purchasing Bose products at Best Buy and encourage traffic to the Best Buy website and stores.

Ludwig’s numbers were able to grab the attention of over 5M impressions, and extending to social. platforms like Twitter. and Instagram. Not only did the partnership win over the consumers, but caught the eye of Stream Hatchet and was named #AdsOfTheWeek for the weeks of April 5th & April 12th.

Interested in working with Twitch influencers? At Powerspike, we handle all the day-to-day busy work involved in running Twitch campaigns so you can focus on what matters. Get in touch with our team of former influencers today to see how we can get your brand on Twitch.

