Powerspike Streamer Spotlight: m0xyy

Carly Orris
Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2021

m0xyy is one of the highest influencers streaming on Twitch with over 588K followers being a trusted voice within the gaming industry. . Powerspike worked with m0xyy on the Cooler Master campaign in November of 2020. Over the campaign, m0xyy’s streams brought in over 118k Impressions and his social media saw over 14K engagements.

What was the key to building your audience and getting people to tune in to your stream?

Getting exposure with consistent streams and constantly engaging with my community to bring a better viewing experience.

How would you describe your consumers/audiences? Who do you think they’re composed of the most?

I would describe them most as interactive and boisterous. I would think they are mostly composed of gamers in their early twenties.

What are some partnerships you’ve enjoyed working on in the past, and why?

Cooler Master was one of my favorite partnerships because I’ve always been a fan of Cooler Master and their products and was very pleased with them wanting to work with me.

What products do you think are the easiest to promote and why?

Anything gaming-related since they would share a large common interest with me and my viewers.

What is the most surprising thing about working with brands on Twitch that was originally a misconception?

The most surprising thing about working with brands is the simplicity of the average deal and their flexibility on deliverables.

