We like fast internet.

Published in
2 min readNov 23, 2017

We also like equal access to the internet for anyone who wishes to use it. You probably do too.

But unfortunately, those luxuries are in danger.

A few days ago, the FCC announced a new plan to roll back the 2015 Title 2 Classification laws for ISPs — otherwise known as “Net Neutrality”. If you’ve been online in the past 2 years, you’ve probably heard all about it.

Why is this so important?

Well, right now, all internet traffic is treated as equal.

That means that anyone with internet access can visit any website whenever they want, without having to worry about restrictions. It’s all open.

But we wouldn’t have any of that without Net Neutrality.

If the 2015 laws are repealed, ISPs will gain the ability to control internet speeds for select websites and broadband lanes. That also means they could totally restrict access to certain sites based on whether their customers are paying for that website’s “package”.

So now, on top of your Netflix subscription, you might have to pay a fee to even type their domain name. That doesn’t sound fun.

But you know what really sucks?

So many of your favorite websites and companies were built on the assumption that every person would have equal access to the internet.

YouTube, Pinterest, Twitch, Netflix, Discord — you name it. And of course, we can’t forget:


The creators and brands on PowerSpike count on having the ability to watch and stream their favorite games to Twitch without fail.

But if your viewers can’t load your stream — or access Twitch at all — then there won’t be a reason to stream anymore. And if there’s no reason to stream, then there’s no reason for sponsorships.

The FCC is voting on Net Neutrality on December 14th 2017. If you love the internet as much as we do, we encourage you to voice your support for Net Neutrality by visiting the link below:


You’re awesome!

Thanks again for the support, and we look forward to helping you grow your stream or business in the future.

-The PowerSpike Team




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