5 Powrbot Zapier integrations to turbocharge productivity

Dean Schmid
Published in
5 min readSep 29, 2019

Powrbot was built to automate company research and data entry tasks. Automation, as you are well aware, is supposed to declutter and streamline how we work. An issue that Powrbot’s Zapier integration aims to address is the never-ending list of apps and tools we use on a daily basis. It’s too much. Endlessly flicking between applications will disrupt your flow, and there is so much work involved in moving data from one place to another.

How has Powrbot Solved This Problem?

Enter a list of companies into Powrbot and it will tell you more about them in a minute than you could have found out manually searching all day.

Sounds pretty automated to me.

However, you still need to create a list of companies in excel and then do something with the information that Powrbot returns.

Is there a way to feed this information into Powrbot programatically, and take the information it returns and automatically update your CRM along with other apps in your workflow.

You bet!

Powrbot, along with 1500 + other applications utilise a tool called Zapier.

What is Zapier?

Zapier is no-code-required solution for integrating apps and sharing data between them. Connect Powrbot to HubSpot or Salesforce CRM and you can automatically populate your reports with data. Connect Powrbot to Gmail and you can trigger searches for company data when you get an email from a prospect.

How Zapier Works

Essentially, Zapier listens for events and responds to them with pre-configured actions. An event can be anything that the app developers expose to Zapier through their API. In Zapier terminology, they call this the trigger because it triggers the zap

  1. A new email
  2. A new customer
  3. A new lead

What do you need to use Powrbot with Zapier

All you need use Powrbot with Zapier you need your secret API keys. To get your secret API keys first create an account with Powrbot. Once you have done that, click on the drop down next to your name in the top right corner.

Click developer from the dropdown.

On the developer page you will find your secret API key. Later, when you integrate Powrbot with Zapier, you will need it.

5 Powrbot Zapier integrations to turbocharge productivity


A Salesforce integration with Powrbot can save hundreds of hours of your time.

The data flow between Salesforce and Powrbot both starts and ends at Salesforce. Salesforce is your CRM. It’s the control room for your marketing efforts. You don’t want to move lead information somewhere else, so Powrbot is just there to give you more info to compliment the power of your existing enterprise.

To get large amount of data back about a whole spreadsheet worth of leads, look into custom objects in Salesforce. Essentially, an object is just a different way of representing a large amount of data, similar to a spreadsheet.


Emails are already like human triggers for events. A great use case for Zapier in general is configuring Zapier to do something worthwhile when you receive or label email. Here’s a suggestion, when you get a new contact or lead in an email send a zap via Powrbot for even more information in your spreadsheet or CRM.


Set up a HubSpot Zapier integration so that adding a new company triggers a Powrbot search and populates it with values.

You can also set up Zaps for when a company is updated.

Just make sure that you select Use a Custom Value so you have access to the information that comes in from Powrbot.


A Powrbot MailChimp integration makes a lot of sense. Someone new just signed up to your email list, and you need to know more about them, Powrbot can automate this process, and you can reap the benefits

Once Powrbot contributes the data it found, you might want to send that data back to MailChimp like we did for the Salesforce and HubSpot integration. You could use it in a campaign or send it on to your CRM, or even to an excel spreadsheet. The whole point of Zapier is that you set up your flow of data how you want it. From a simple GUI you have the power to perform tasks that previously people had to study for years to accomplish.

Gravity Forms

If you haven’t heard of them, Gravity Forms is a WordPress plugin used all over the internet to build forms. Sign-in forms, login-forms, expression of interest forms. You name it and there are countless companies handling it with Gravity Forms. Thanks to a Zapier integration, Powrbot can be your first line of data collection when a Gravity Form receives a new lead.

This example Zap shows an integration which sends the information on to a Google Sheets document, however the data can conclude anywhere. Set up another Zap that listens for changes to this Google sheets document and send its on to the next piece of your workflow.

We are just scratching the surface of what is possible with Powrbot and Zapier. Together the two tools compliment your existing workflow and once they are set up you hardly notice the magic that’s going on behind the screens ;)



Dean Schmid

Full-Stack Developer, Web Designer. I’m a Lover of the Internet and all the Opportunity it Brings.