5 Ways That Powrbot Can Enrich Lead Data

Dean Schmid
Published in
4 min readOct 13, 2019

Bots are programs that are designed to automate tasks.

Not the scary “heer deerr, that machine took our jobs” automation, but the kind of automation that frees the inventive human brain from mundane and time consuming tasks.

For decades now, companies have included bots and software in their marketing efforts. From the mouth of the sales funnel, all the way down to an conversion, software exists to optimise every step of the journey until no one escapes, and a purchase is the inevitable conclusion.

Moving a button to the other side of the page could be the difference between a thousands and ten thousand click. Including a prospects’ name in the subject of an email results in signification higher open rates.

This is where we are at, because this is what works. To compete in the age of analytics takes data.


To be heard above the noise, you need better data to find the people who want to listen, and the only way to get this data, is with software.

5 Ways That Powrbot can Enrich Lead Data

Powrbot was built to help its users realise all the advantages of automation. Supply the bot with a spreadsheet that contains the companies you are interested in, and Powrbot will search the internet for everything that it can find.

Powrbot returns quality information such as revenue, key faculty members, income, number of employees, subsidiary companies, operating industry, products, and more.

None of this info is particularity hard to find, however the hundred or so Google searches you would need to sift through would tie you up for hours. Powrbot does in seconds what could take you days. That’s the power of automation.


The first 200 searches in a month are completely free. Why not give Powrbot a chance and see if it’s fit for your application.

1. Address Companies and People By Their Names

Simple advice that will change your life, “It’s all about the people”. Everything, this whole experiment, the only players in this game are other human beings. We have all have first-hand experience in this domain. People do business with the people that they like.

Data can make you likeable. Humans are significantly more likely to open emails with their names in the subject. Is this a logical indication of the quality of that email’s content? Absolutely not, but our monkey brains go “hey that’s me”, and we click. The more personable data that you can weave into your strategy and content the better.

2. Target The Right Demographic

Who needs your product? The easiest way to answer this question is to come at it from a different angle. Who buys your product? Too often, companies have an idealised version of the type of people who buy their product, and it costs them money. Selling prestige when buyers want affordability. Throwing down thousands on Facebook ads, when 80% of prospects are on LinkedIn. Data overcomes misconceptions. Bots, automate data collection and find better data.

3. Free up a Marketing Department

Often the effects of automation are indirect. When intelligent people aren’t wasting time filling in excel spreadsheets, they have more time for what is important. This leads to more quality connections, lowers overheads, and improved employee satisfaction.

In first year economics they teach a fundamental truth of nature that labor, capital, land, and entrepreneurship are all finite resources. The only way to increase these resources is through growth and investment.

Software or Bots are an investment into 3/4 of these categories. Sleepless bots improve the quality of labor, lower overheads, which means more capital is available, and now that everyone isn’t bogged down doing grunt work and data entry there is more Entrepreneurship to go around.

4. Retarget

Website visitors who are retargeted with display ads are more likely to convert by 70%. — Software Advice

Retargeting is an effective / vital digital marketing strategy but without software it’s impossible. Follow up emails and programmatic ads work. From my own experience, marketing online courses, over 80% of signups - which included credit card details and all - were from email click-through. Retargeted and personalised emails sent to prospects in the days after they visited the site kept that business alive.

Without software, these automated emails would have been impossible. Knowing who visited the site would have been impossible. Finding out what company they worked for and understanding how the course was related to their profession, would have been impossible.

5. Save Money

Automation, by definition, does human work. People cost money. While bot’s are built for a singular task or set of tasks and can’t replace people, yet, they can lower the cost of individual projects, improve turn around times, and over the course of a year or decade this added efficiency easily amounts to 6 or 7 figure savings. What’s more, lower overheads let’s business charge more competitive rates. The nature of competition all but guarantees that automation will undercut businesses that don’t adopt it.



Dean Schmid

Full-Stack Developer, Web Designer. I’m a Lover of the Internet and all the Opportunity it Brings.