Data Entry is Indentured Slavery, Here is How Automation Can Set You Free

Dean Schmid
Published in
3 min readSep 30, 2019

No one who has a choice, chooses data entry.

It is boring, time consuming and unfulfilling work.

No endorphins are secreted from your shrivelled glands when you press save for the final time on that excel spreadsheet, and that evening you’ll yell at the dog and piss off your spouse to hide your own feelings of inadequacy.

You should listen to that feeling of inadequacy. That little voice you have been suppressing since you left high-school is trying to tell you something. You were made for better than this.

The number of synapses in the human brain is larger than the number of galaxies in the observable universe.

The same is true of the Indian or the Filipino brains you outsourced your data entry tasks to. If you feel like you would rather be selling shorts at traffic lights than fill out another excel spreadsheet with quarterly earnings, this article is for you.

This dude used to work in data entry…He has never been happier

There is always a choice

Software has lead to a new age of automation. It seems inevitable that we will all loose our jobs to machines. In the mean time, you should try include them in your daily workflow whenever possible. Palm off the boring tasks that aren’t worthy of the human mind to programs and bots. If not for your own sanity, do it to remain competitive.

How Powrbot Automates Data Entry Tasks

As the name suggests, Powrbot is a powerful bot. What it does isn’t complicated, and yet it can save hundreds of hours of your time. Powrbot crawls the internet for company information and returns a spreadsheet with everything it found. Sounds simple enough, but you just saved yourself from 300 Google searches and 8 hours of excel scoliosis.

To use Powrbot, first create an account. Then fill out a spreadsheet with all the companies you are interested in. One company per row and only put information in the first column. Then upload the spreadsheet to and wait a minute while the bot works its magic.

What Kind Of Data Does Powrbot Return

The more established a company is, the more Powrbot will discover. It won’t find any private information, and if you are searching for niche startup information, you should check Angellist and Crunchbase.

Powrbot returns information such as revenue, key faculty members, equity, income, industry, url, number of employees and more. For a complete list of everything you will get back take a look at Powrbot’s documentation here.

Is Powrbot Expensive

The first 200 searches in a month are completely free. After that, you will need to pay to continue searching. It’s $39 a month for Pro users who get 5,000 searches a month and there is an enterprise subscription above that. For more information on Powrbot pricing click here. Compared to other enterprise software which costs $1000 for its most basic use, I consider this very affordable.

Integrating Powrbot With Your Existing Workflow

Powrbot seeks to further free you from monotonous tasks by automating more of your workflow. With a Zapier integration, it’s dead simple to pass data between different apps in response to triggers. A trigger can be as simple as you get a new lead, an email lands in your inbox, someone subscribes to your mailing list, or a new customer is entered into your CRM, all these events can trigger Zaps. Wouldn’t it be nice to magically know way more about that lead without having to put in any work. When properly configured that’s possible with Zapier.



Dean Schmid

Full-Stack Developer, Web Designer. I’m a Lover of the Internet and all the Opportunity it Brings.