PoWx Update: Publishing Litepaper + Scaling BTC 2019 + Closer to Implementation

Michael Dubrovsky
PoWx Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 4, 2019

After a lot of hard work, we are almost ready to announce our plans for the first public implementation of oPoW! Stay tuned for a separate blog post with specifics.

In the meantime, ahead of academic papers, we’ll be publishing a short “Litepaper” with an overview of the Optical Proof of Work concept and implementation. If you are interested in receiving the oPoW Litepaper when it is available, please add yourself to our mailing list:

Other Updates:

We finally took some nice pictures of our prototype miner setup (sans cables):

Miner Prototype
Chip Closeup

I recently gave a short talk about oPoW @ Scaling Bitcoin 2019 (video below). There were a few other interesting Proof of Work-related talks (check out https://scalingbitcoin.org/presentations), especially Proof of Necessary Work by Assimakis Kattis, where miners perform SNARKs to confirm transaction history, perhaps making it unnecessary (you have to trust snarks etc.) to verify or store the entire blockchain for new users/nodes.

Where can I find out more or contact PoWx?

Feel free to leave questions below or go to the PoWx webpage:

www.PoWx.org (you can submit a “Contact us” form to get updates)

Interested in making technical or other contributions to the effort?


