IntelliJ Shortcuts I Love (and you should too)

Shonn Lyga
Published in
2 min readJun 28, 2017

TL;DR — As a new ‘immigrant’ from the MicrosoftLand to JavaLand, I am totally new to IntelliJ and here are my favorite shortcuts that I’ve collected so far (only for Mac OSX 10.5+ keymap).

Recent files cmd + e
Recent edited files cmd + shift + e
Scratch files cmd + shift + n

Show code real estate only cmd + shift + f12
Resize window cmd + shift + arrows

Context aware selection alt + up arrow
Move row alt + shift + arrows
Move whole context cmd + shift + arrow
Show clipboard cmd + shift + v
Select all similar words in document cmd + ctrl + G
Auto indentation of selected code ctrl + alt + i
Format whole document cmd + alt + L
Method parameter info cmd + p
Surround with cmd + alt + t
Statement completion cmd + shift + enter
Show current class hierarchy ctrl + h
Show all symbols in a file cmd + F12 (or: cmd + 7 for docked window of symbols)

Evaluate expression alt + F8
Drop frame use right click in the debugger window
Show referring objects use right click in the debugger window

Get contextual refactoring options ctrl + T

REST GUI client for endpoint testing cmd + shift + A (and then type test rest…)
Switch keybinding (or color scheme etc) ctrl + `

A very cool video that shows most of these shortcuts is here

Enjoy and share if you have more.
Shonn Lyga.

