Echoes of Joy

A Celebration of Happiness


Photo by Francisco T Santos on Unsplash

I stand here, in the light of day,
Feeling joy that won’t go away,
It dances through me, like a song,
A celebration, all day long.

I close my eyes and breathe in deep,
The world around me, fresh and sweet,
With every step, I feel alive,
Joyful moments, I will survive.

I smile and laugh, with heart aglow,
My spirit lifted, I just know,
That this happiness is here to stay,
A gift of life was sent my way.

So I’ll bask in this joyful light,
And hold it close, with all my might,
For happiness is a treasure, true,
And I am grateful, I have it too.



Syed Iftekhar-Ur-Rahman

MA (English), MEd (Edu Administration). 22+ Years Experienced Educator, Writer !. Founder: