Code Talks: Tongji University Venture Valley Meetup Recap

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5 min readDec 5, 2019

For everyone that missed it, here’s a look at our latest Code Talks meetup that we hosted at the beautiful Tongji University.

On November 26th, we put on another installment of our Code Talks series. Partnering with Tongji University’s Venture Valley, the event was hosted on the beautiful SiPing Road Campus of Tongji University. By all accounts, the night was a huge success and something we’re all proud of.

Kicking off at 6 pm, nearly 100 participants including students and developers attended to learn more about the application of blockchain across the technology industry. To say that everyone was bustling with excitement would be an understatement. With four influential speakers from the blockchain and technology spheres of China, there was much to be excited about.

In case you missed the event, here is what was discussed:

“Financial Risk Management and Blockchain Innovation” by Song Zhiguang (Director of Blockchain Innovation and Application Laboratory, Tongji University)

  • All publicly released information by listed companies shall be written on the chain. Openness and transparency of the blockchain and tamper-resistant features will be used to provide basic trusted data for all regulators and shareholders.
  • As the internet becomes more decentralized, the web will be indexed based on content. Current Web3 applications include Polkadot, among many others.
  • Financial risk management can be applied with the blockchain. Blockchain leads the wave of the fourth industrial revolution and is expected to become a leading-edge technology of financial risk management.
  • AI-driven financial risk management + blockchain big data technology can be used to measure the risk index of listed companies in China and manage the data information provided by listed companies.

“Application of Zero-Knowledge Proof Technology in the Blockchain Industry” by Guo Xionghui, Loopring CTO, partner of UVA Fund

  • Zero-knowledge proof technology is now applied in the Loopring 3.0 protocol with all matching logic completed off-chain. Every match, or settlement, will generate a proof and will be submitted to the chain to verify that the match off-the-chain is true.
  • The status of all accounts in the Loopring protocol is recorded off-chain in the form of a Merkel tree.
  • The core method adopted by Loopring is ZKRollup.
  • You can read an adaptation of the presentation here.

“How to Develop A Blockchain Platform Step By Step” by Yang Xianbo, CTO of Resenergy

  • The essence of the blockchain is that the ledger cannot be tampered with. The innovation of the blockchain includes technology and data storage methods.
  • How should an organization make use of “Blockchain+”? Blockchain should be used wherever data must be recorded or stored.
  • The six key elements of designing a blockchain protocol: account-model, encryption algorithm, data structure, node communication, consensus mechanism, and smart contracts.
  • You can read an adaptation of the presentation here.

“From PPTV Network Video to PPIO Blockchain Distributed Storage” Wang Wenyu — CEO of PPIO and Former Chief Architect and Co-Founder of PPTV

  • The growing demand for data storage and delivery surpasses its supporting infrastructure.
  • The challenges of existing centralized cloud storage solutions include: high storage and bandwidth costs, single node failure and data loss, data security and privacy abuse.
  • PPIO is an AWS storage and transfer service platform built with decentralized resources.
  • Compared with traditional cloud service platforms, the value of PPIO is reflected in specific usage scenarios. It is estimated that the operating cost of PPIO can be 80% cheaper than Amazon AWS.
  • We are still early in the era of edge computing, but a singularity-like moment may happen soon.
  • PPIO’s positioning is to build a protocol that is compatible with major public chains rather than building a public chain. We are a protocol for blockchain.
  • You can read an adaptation of the presentation here.

In summary, our four guest speakers shared insights with students and developers which covered topics such as the basic design architecture of the blockchain, the application of blockchain technology, and entrepreneurship.

The 1st meetup by Tongji University’s Venture Valley & PPIO Code Talks was a huge success. Thanks once again to all our guest speakers, our partner Venture Valley for co-hosting the event, Tongji University for the beautiful location, the PPIO team for organizing, and of course, our fantastic audience for attending. We will continue to share more adaptations of the presentations in the next few weeks.

More In The Code Talks Series

  • Application of Zero-Knowledge Proofs: From November’s Code Talk meetup at Tongji University. This article looks at the different types of zero-knowledge proofs and how they can be applied to improve a project
  • Libra and PPIO: Our first Code Talks coincided with the announcement of Libra so we break down how it works and then share what we can learn from it.
  • Tendermint: Introduction and Analysis: Details the ingenuity of their consensus mechanism and a tutorial on building your own public chain in just 15 minutes.
  • The A-to-Z on zkSnarks: Why zero-knowledge proof is ideal for authentication so no one else can knows what you’re communicating.
  • Talking Sense About Digital Currency Exchanges: Unpacking the business mechanics of exchanges and the biggest challenges they need to know in order to grow.

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