The Most Resilient Team

Muhammad Ashlah Shinfain
PPL C6 Big Data
Published in
3 min readMay 29, 2019

After one semester working on the project, now comes the final stage of the class: “THE EXHIBITION”.

But before it, I wanna share a little about our last sprint review.

Our project is about big data visualization on a map. At first glance, it seems scary ‘caused by the term “BIG DATA”. But it turns out, we’re not intended to do the data processing, we only have to visualize it. Ok, let’s do it!

But, once again, lots of problems come through. The first thing and the most annoying thing is we are blind about what kind of data would be visualized. We’ve contacted our client and ask about the structure of the data but they ask us to wait because it’s confidential and require a lot of processes to give us the permission to get the data.

So, while waiting, we’re working on some other minor things that don’t really relate to the data. And this goes on for more than half of the semester.

Other problems are also coming through. Lots of other college tasks, map visualization that we haven’t ever worked on yet, demotivation, and for me myself (I want to apologize to my teammates) I got some other projects this semester and sometimes I got to go out of town.

And when the last sprint review comes, well the project hasn’t finished yet. The backend hasn’t worked properly yet. But, whatever. Thanks to our hustler and our lecturer (who’ve been guide us through this project) we can do the pitching smoothly and convinced our client.

“We can do the pitching even without having the finished product” — Mr. Ade Azurat

I also remember about the lecture from Mr. Eko about how we should do the project we’re working on. The first thing he mentions (and of course implying the most important thing) is:

“Focus on what customer want”

No matter what we’re working on, if it’s not satisfying the customer it’s useless.

Well, at least on the last pitching we’ve successfully made our client satisfied :)

And here goes the exhibition. People are coming to our stand, and I also try to do the pitching to them, just like how our hustler did on the last sprint review.

At the end of the exhibition, there's some announcement about the best category. And… we got the Most Resilient Team 😆. I don’t know how the exhibition committee decided this, but yeah we got some merchs, not bad :)

The merhcandises

Well, I’m not gonna say that this is the best project team I’ve ever had. But I glad to be invited to this team, although maybe I can’t fulfill their expectation, sorry.

Thanks to Indra Septama: our frontend developer who successfully code the map visualization using Leaflet and GeoJSON, Wildan Aziz: our source of knowledge about React, Izzatul Muttaqin: which handle most of the backend logic, Laksamana Adhito: our support system who always motivate us, Azmie Alaudin: our hustler who not much doing the code things, but successfully managed the hustling things

