“He show’s up to work, has his sh%t together, and wants to go home.”

Mila Kunis, WTF with Marc Maron

Daniel Hour
1 min readAug 25, 2018


~1:32:03 mark

Mila Kunis has worked with Mark Whalberg on a number of films and this is one of the reasons why she loves work with him:

(He) show’s up to work, has his shit together, and wants to go home.
And I really do respect that.

Have you been on a lot of sets where people show up and they don’t have their shit together?

It’s not necessarily they don’t have their shit together, they meander… where clearly they don’t want to go home. That’s what I like to call it.

I’m like “Don’t we all just want to go home?”

Like let’s work,
Let’s work the best that we possibly can,
Let’s put out something awesome, but let’s go see… outside.

I like exploring and having fun while in the scene and doing great stuff but let’s not hold production for 2 hours to talk about why your character has to pick up that piece of paper.



Daniel Hour
Writer for

iOS Developer & sometimes 3D-printer. I also really really love quotes. http://dhour.codes