“I’m going to do the shot.”

Matt Damon, OffCamera with Sam Jones

Daniel Hour
1 min readJun 2, 2018



Sam and Matt are discussing how writing has influenced & enhanced Matt’s career as an actor. Especially in projects where he has served as both writer and actor (i.e. Goodwill Hunting). That’s when he presents this gem of an anecdote:

I remember when I was doing Saving Private Ryan… and Spielberg moved on from a scene and he was marching off to the next place he was going to shoot. And I said, “Steven, don’t you think we should take a couple more takes of that thing?” Because it hadn’t been… great.

He turned on a dime and said, “I can spend another hour on that scene and perhaps make it 10% better or I can go do another great shot. …I’m gonna do the shot.”



Daniel Hour

iOS Developer & sometimes 3D-printer. I also really really love quotes. http://dhour.codes