“There are people that I believe, shouldn’t like me. And if they did, I’d be sad.”

Jon Stewart, The Daily Show: An Oral History

Daniel Hour
2 min readSep 8, 2018


~01:04:45 mark

Judith Miller (co-author of this NYT infamous article and Fox News Contributor) came onto The Daily Show to “promote her new book” and
“try to explain that she had not been used by the Bush Administration” to manipulate the public in supporting the the Iraq War.

I accept great responsibility for the fact that I was unable to do more to check out the reports that I got but you’re dealing with highly-classified information here. I just think people don’t understand what we do…

but Stewart should have.

She was a tool used by a group of people who said they were trying to sell a new product. It’s not that I didn’t listen to her, it just sounds like hog-wash when you look at the evidence.

There are people that I believe, shouldn’t like me… and if they did, I’d be sad.
She shouldn’t like me.



Daniel Hour
Writer for

iOS Developer & sometimes 3D-printer. I also really really love quotes. http://dhour.codes