“To really grow, you need to experience success against the best.”

Rece Davis, Syracuse.com

Daniel Hour
1 min readNov 3, 2018


In 2017, Syracuse pulled off a huge upset against Clemson. Here’s the post-game locker room speech and what Rece Davis (respected ESPN analyst) said about success, growth, and getting to the next level.

Rece Davis:
The thing the Clemson game does is that it gives the players a tangible reason to believe. Dino is dynamic. His locker room speeches are gold. You can tell that his players love him and want to play hard for him.

But with any team, they need to experience success. And to really grow, you need to experience it against the best.

Lots of teams pull upsets. Can you take that next step from team capable of pulling an upset to team that is on equal footing with championship caliber teams?

I’m not suggesting Syracuse is there yet or that one game can put any team there. But in a program’s development there are landmark moments that are springboards to a higher level. Last Friday night should be one of those for Syracuse under Dino.



Daniel Hour
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iOS Developer & sometimes 3D-printer. I also really really love quotes. http://dhour.codes