Part 1 : Introduction to Docker

Praaveen Vr
Published in
5 min readJan 30, 2018

here nothing new i’m saying about Docker but quick start with the docker.Content from docker site


The term Docker can refer to

  • The Docker project as a whole, which is a platform for developers and sysadmins to develop, ship, and run applications
  • The docker daemon process running on the host which manages images and containers (also called Docker Engine)


A container is a runtime instance of a docker image.

A Docker container consists of

  • A Docker image
  • An execution environment
  • A standard set of instructions

The concept is borrowed from Shipping Containers, which define a standard to ship goods globally. Docker defines a standard to ship software.

Compose / docker-compose

Compose is a tool for defining and running complex applications with Docker. With compose, you define a multi-container application in a single file, then spin your application up in a single command which does everything that needs to be done to get it running. Also known as : docker-compose

Docker Hub

The Docker Hub is a centralized resource for working with Docker and its components. It provides the following services:

  • Docker image hosting
  • User authentication
  • Automated image builds and work-flow tools such as build triggers and web hooks
  • Integration with GitHub and Bitbucket

Difference between Virtual machine and Docker

An image is a lightweight, stand-alone, executable package that includes everything needed to run a piece of software, including the code, a runtime, libraries, environment variables, and config files.

A container is a runtime instance of an image — what the image becomes in memory when actually executed. It runs completely isolated from the host environment by default, only accessing host files and ports if configured to do so.

Containers run apps natively on the host machine’s kernel. They have better performance characteristics than virtual machines that only get virtual access to host resources through a hypervisor. Containers can get native access, each one running in a discrete process, taking no more memory than any other executable.

Virtual machines run guest operating systems — note the OS layer in each box. This is resource intensive, and the resulting disk image and application state is an entanglement of OS settings, system-installed dependencies, OS security patches, and other easy-to-lose, hard-to-replicate ephemera.

Containers can share a single kernel, and the only information that needs to be in a container image is the executable and its package dependencies, which never need to be installed on the host system. These processes run like native processes, and you can manage them individually by running commands like docker ps—just like you would run ps on Linux to see active processes. Finally, because they contain all their dependencies, there is no configuration entanglement; a containerized app “runs anywhere.”


In a distributed application, different pieces of the app are called “services.”

For example, if you imagine a video sharing site, it probably includes a service for storing application data in a database, a service for video transcoding in the background after a user uploads something, a service for the front-end, and so on.

Services are really just “containers in production.” A service only runs one image, but it codifies the way that image runs — what ports it should use, how many replicas of the container should run so the service has the capacity it needs, and so on. Scaling a service changes the number of container instances running that piece of software, assigning more computing resources to the service in the process.


Deploy this application onto a cluster, running it on multiple machines. Multi-container, multi-machine applications are made possible by joining multiple machines into a “Dockerized” cluster called a swarm.

A swarm is a group of machines that are running Docker and joined into a cluster. After that has happened, you continue to run the Docker commands you’re used to, but now they are executed on a cluster by a swarm manager. The machines in a swarm can be physical or virtual. After joining a swarm, they are referred to as nodes.

Swarm managers can use several strategies to run containers, such as “emptiest node” — which fills the least utilized machines with containers. Or “global”, which ensures that each machine gets exactly one instance of the specified container. You instruct the swarm manager to use these strategies in the Compose file, just like the one you have already been using.

Swarm managers are the only machines in a swarm that can execute your commands, or authorize other machines to join the swarm as workers. Workers are just there to provide capacity and do not have the authority to tell any other machine what it can and cannot do.

Up Here in part 4, youuntil now, you have been using Docker in a single-host mode on your local machine. But Docker also can be switched into swarm mode, and that’s what enables the use of swarms. Enabling swarm mode instantly makes the current machine a swarm manager. From then on, Docker runs the commands you execute on the swarm you’re managing, rather than just on the current machine.


A stack is a group of interrelated services that share dependencies, and can be orchestrated and scaled together. A single stack is capable of defining and coordinating the functionality of an entire application (though very complex applications may want to use multiple stacks).

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