How to get Dark/Night Mode on Medium in your browser?

Mahesh Shrestha
Prabidhi Info
Published in
4 min readOct 11, 2018


Undeniably, Medium has grown to one of the largest blogging/online publishing platform in these last few years. Since the Medium is free to use and publish the contents online, these days it has become the first choice for most of the ICOs, Blockchain Projects to use it as their product’s page.

Medium is easy to navigate, publish contents, get your own opinions heard and you can even earn money for publishing content if eligible for Medium Partner Program, but there is a little downside to the Medium; the Medium website’s user interface.

Everything is nice and beautiful looking on Medium — black texts on white background — in a broad daylight, but for browsing the Medium at night, it could be an eye-aching. And so to get over with it, you can either use the Windows’ Night Light [or any third-party software] feature or you can use the universal dark reader extension to make Medium dark and beautiful.

How to use Dark theme/Night mode on Medium in your browser?

Not rocket science, just follow the below simple steps and you are good to go on Medium;

  • Follow the link to Dark Reader and download the extension for your…

