Meet Practica’s AI Coach

Get unstuck on all of your work challenges with the help of 1,110 domain experts

Dave Whittemore
3 min readJul 26, 2023


Today, our team at Practica is launching a new AI-powered learning product: our AI Challenge Coach.

AI Coaching unlocks affordability and access

We founded Practica because continuous skill development in knowledge worker careers is hard. We knew early on that the best solution to this problem is 1:1 coaching. Top actors, athletes, and fortune 500 CEOs have all figured this out — they all have coaches.

Evidence-seeking researchers have also proven that 1:1 coaching is the most effective instruction technique by 2 standard deviations — Dr. Benjamin Bloom proved this in the 1980s (read more Bloom’s 2 sigma problem on Wikipedia).

But there is one key problem that accompanies 1:1 coaching: affordability. Coaching can range from a few hundred dollars a month to thousands.

But with AI, we can solve the affordability problem.

Can AI Coaching reach the quality of human-based coaching?

It’s reasonable to approach AI coaching with a healthy bit of skepticism. We did, because we knew that ChatGPT fatigue is real. It’s terrific for giving you a quick answer to simple fact-based questions that are broadly known, but it struggles with complex, personal questions. It also provides answers that sound like the average voice of the internet, not a deep domain expert.

So we set out with a different approach. We wanted our AI Challenge Coach to only provide insights that come from our curriculum. Our curated curriculum at Practica references tens of thousands of insights from more than 1,100 experts, with coverage across every major department and level at a tech company, from individual contributors to executives.

Well, we pulled it off — that’s what our new product does. You provide it with a challenge that you’re facing in your job. The AI Challenge Coach looks up the experts, and their published resources, that closely map to your challenge. Then it uses those resources to provide expert guidance, with citations coming directly from the expert resources it based its answer on.

The experience and the responses are… magical. There’s no other word we can find for it.

With Practica’s AI Challenge Coach you can:

  • Learn tactical next steps you can take on a project you’re struggling with this week
  • For collaboration-related challenges, get unblocked with a conversation template that leverages best practices
  • Get help identifying and learning the skills that you need for your next promotion
  • Have a safe space to open up about your challenges without fear of judgment, and explore lots of possible solutions to them
  • Get instant advice, 24/7

Here’s what some of the early users are saying:

“This is great! I asked about a pretty nuanced challenge involving a direct report. It provided advice to check for burnout and to approach the direct report with curiosity, allowing them to address the issue without making them feel attacked or defensive. I can’t wait to use this more!”

Try it out for yourself at this link 👇. Tell it an actual challenge you’re facing in your job, check out the response, and let us know what you think:

