Endless Campaigns, Social Media Millionaires and the Great Zuckerdog

Amy Widdowson
4 min readAug 3, 2015


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The happiest of Mondays to you all! I hope that wherever you are, the sun is shining, your caffeinated (or non-caffeinated! but seriously caffeinated) beverage of choice is in your hand, and that the internet mob hasn’t uncovered your personal information and threatened your family with violence.


FYI The Atlantic has a 2016 Cheat Sheet *bookmarks*. The NYT has it’s presidential SEO on point (but seriously it’s a super helpful page)

The National Journal investigates what it’s like to be one of 15 people who are spending tons o’ cash and won’t be POTUS. This piece has everything: Pataki in a black GMC Yukon, Pataki in a Navy Suit, Pataki at Smuttynose Brewing Company.

No, you’re not taking crazy pills: congress is more polarized than it used to be.

In addition to discussing paid leave, childcare benefits and race relations in America, Carly Fiorina revealed to ELLE that she writes her own speeches. While I disagree with much of what she says, I think it’s a (relative for presidential campaigns) frank conversation. I imagine you can thank the indefatigable Sarah Flores for that one.

I am so so so so so excited for the debates. SO EXCITED.



With the release of the EPA’s power plant emissions regulations, the President continues his senior spring campaign of shock and HELL YEA.

On a serious note: I’ve endured the limitless paper, endless hoops through which to jump, and sheer terror of lost mailed application packages throughout my nearly 15 years in the US immigration system. Vivian Graubard’s (US Digital Service) recommendations to reform the American immigration process by yanking it out of the early 1950s seem promising, but I really don’t know how you implement them across the gargantuan bureaucracy that are the Depts of State and Homeland Security. Which is why I don’t work at the White House, soooooo… (but srsly thank you Vivian, you and your team are doing God’s work.)


Canada is off to the races! I can’t vote in it, but get psyched, Canucks! Your election is a fraction of the time and burns an iota of the cash that could be spent on actual things like health care or toilets made of solid gold!

Bill Nye reads mean tweets. Bill Nye reads mean tweets. Bill Nye reads mean tweets!


According to Vanity Fair, there are over 200 social media millionaires. WORSHIP AT THE TEMPLE OF VID CON, PEASANTS! PS: I’m an old.

The fact that terms like “audience ownership” exist frightens me.

A physicist claims that an idea for a startup that raised over $10 million is, how do you say, not possible.

The Great and Powerful Zuck opened up about his and his wife’s recent struggles with miscarriage within the announcement of their upcoming baby girl. It was a frank, honest and strong discussion of a topic that is still taboo to discuss, which isolates families. Good job and congrats to — OMG DID YOU SEE THEIR DOG

All hail Zuckerdog and his collection of DMB b-sides

Creatively dealing with the insane housing market in San Francisco while reclaiming industrial discard is good. Charging 11 tenants $1,000 each a month to rent renovated cargo containers when there’s a very good chance your entire enterprise will be evicted? Grr.

Another takeaway: “As many as 60,000 San Franciscans live in illegal housing, according to the Department of Building Inspection.” Great.

And now for something completely different:

It’s like they know me, or something.




Amy Widdowson

once described as "the ‘woooooo!!!’ girl of the intelligentsia" | naturally effervescent | vp comms @ medium but banshee screams and other nonsense = my own