Practical Agilist Newsletter 2021

Brian Link
Practical Agilist
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2021

Thank you for considering a subscription to the newsletter.

During the entire course of the pandemic through January 2021 (and even before COVID started), my Practical Agilist Newsletter has remained dormant. It has taken a great deal of grit and motivation to get started again. I hope you like it. If you were a subscriber before you will notice the name has changed somewhere along the way from Agile Columbus to Practical Agilist. One thing I’ve learned in the pandemic is that geography doesn’t matter as much anymore and we are all much more open to experiencing things remotely. So, in that way, my newsletter has evolved as well.

The content is also perhaps more streamlined, serving two purposes. First off, it will be easier for me to produce as it is lighter on content and more flexible in terms of format. And secondly, it will hopefully look cleaner and be easier to read. Like most newsletters, you will either get great value from a few of the links and the items included, or you will not. And that’s great. I’m just happy you’re here for the ride and would love to hear your feedback and suggestions.

One other thing you will notice, and honestly it’s a lot more selfish than how I treated my prior newsletter… you will frequently see my own content highlighted from this blog here on medium. My goal is to write a lot more often as I’ve recently started working on a book about the things I’ve learned in navigating agile transformations, so this will be both a self-reinforcing mechanism for me to keep writing… and well, hopefully it will help attract more of you that may someday benefit from my writing and possibly be interested in my book.

In the meantime, I just want to thank you. I feel very lucky to have people reading what I write at all. If you have questions or complaints, I encourage you to contact me directly and would welcome the feedback and learning opportunity.

If you haven’t already, Subscribe here. Thanks!

About the Author: Brian Link is the author of (also available on Amazon) and the owner of Practical Agilist, LLC. Brian provides leadership and coaching services as an Agile Coach at LeanDog. Follow Brian on Twitter @blinkdaddy or LinkedIn, and subscribe to his newsletter.



Brian Link
Practical Agilist

Enterprise Agile Coach at Practical Agilist. Writes about product, agile mindset, leadership, business agility, transformations, scaling and all things agile.