Practical Business

Make More Per Sale Mindset

Successful Marketing

Jackie Schwabe, MBA, MCC
Practical AI Business Literacy
12 min readJan 28, 2023


The Making More Per Sale Mindset is the foundation of successful marketing. A lot of successful marketing truly is the mindset.

Success isn’t about the algorithms, the latest technology, or even the hottest-selling platforms. Success truly comes from knowing your products are valuable, understanding what your target market needs, and delivering value to them in a way that is mutually beneficial; when you can master that, that’s when you can really leverage the algorithms, technology, and latest platforms.

Selling can be hard.

Many amazing business owners grimace at the thought of sales. But selling doesn’t have to feel gross — in fact, it can be awesome. It all comes down to your mindset.

Now, before you can change your mindset, you first have to recognize it.

Mindfulness is key here. The more you are aware of the thought patterns you have around selling, the easier it will be to make changes.

Here are a number of mindsets to be cautious of when it comes to sales and some alternative…

