Practical AI Business

Unlock the Power of Effective Sales Communication with Our New Tool!

Exactly What to Say!

Jackie Schwabe, MBA, MCC
Practical AI Business Literacy


Hello everyone, and welcome back to our tool demonstration series! I’m Jackie Schwabe, an AI enablement consultant, and today I am thrilled to introduce one of our latest tools designed to enhance your sales techniques: “Exactly What to Say — Closing Techniques.”

What is this Tool?

This execution tool is based on the principles of the renowned book “Exactly What to Say” by Phil M. Jones. It aims to provide you with practical, effective closing techniques tailored to your specific sales context. Whether you’re selling a digital product, service, or even an entire company, this tool offers actionable phrases and strategies to help you close deals more efficiently.

Key Features:

  • Customizable Prompts: Tailor closing techniques to fit the unique context of your sales scenario.
  • Effective Strategies: Access proven phrases and strategies directly derived from Phil M. Jones’ book.
  • Versatile Applications: Suitable for various stages of the sales cycle, from initial interest to final negotiations.

How it Works:

  1. Input Context: Begin by specifying the type of deal you’re working on — be it a product sale, service contract, or membership.
  2. Define Sales Stage: Indicate whether you’re at the initial interest stage, mid-negotiation, or the final stages of closing the deal.
  3. Identify Customer Concerns: Highlight the main concerns of your customer, such as pricing, product features, or service benefits.
  4. Receive Custom Phrases: Get tailored closing statements and techniques to address your specific sales situation.

Example Usage:

Imagine you’re selling a product and your customer’s primary concern is the price. The tool might suggest a phrase like:

  • “I’m not sure if this is for you, but our new product has been a game changer for many of our clients, helping them achieve significant cost savings. Would you like to hear more about how it could benefit you?”

Such tailored phrases are designed to lower defenses, build curiosity, and encourage an open-minded discussion about your product’s benefits.

Here are a bunch of the other examples from the tool that it generated during my demo!

1. “I’m not sure if it’s for you, but…”

Idea: This phrase lowers the listener’s defenses by suggesting that the offer may not be for everyone, making them more open to hearing the rest of your pitch. Example: “I’m not sure if it’s for you, but our new product line has been a game-changer for many of our clients, helping them achieve significant cost savings. Would you like to hear how it could benefit you?”

2. “Open-minded”

Idea: This phrase encourages the listener to consider the offer with an open mind, promoting curiosity and reducing resistance. Example: “Would you be open-minded about exploring how our product could provide excellent value for your investment?”

3. “What do you know about…”

Idea: This phrase engages the listener by prompting them to share their knowledge and opens up a dialogue. Example: “What do you know about the cost-saving features of our product?”

4. “How would you feel if…”

Idea: This phrase taps into the listener’s emotions and helps them visualize the benefits. Example: “How would you feel if you could get a top-quality product at a price that fits your budget?”

5. “Just imagine…”

Idea: This phrase helps the listener visualize the positive outcome, creating a mental picture of success. Example: “Just imagine enjoying the benefits of our product while staying within your budget.”

6. “When would be a good time…”

Idea: This phrase shows respect for the listener’s time and schedule, making it easier to arrange a follow-up. Example: “When would be a good time to discuss how our product can provide you with the best value for your money?”

7. “I’m guessing you haven’t got around to…”

Idea: This phrase implies that the listener has an interest but hasn’t yet taken action, gently nudging them forward. Example: “I’m guessing you haven’t got around to seeing how our product compares to others in terms of price and quality?”

8. “Simple choices”

Idea: This phrase simplifies the decision-making process by presenting clear options. Example: “Would you prefer to learn about our standard package or our premium package, both designed to offer excellent value?”

9. “You have three options”

Idea: This phrase outlines the available choices, making it easier for the listener to decide. Example: “You have three options: you can continue with your current product, choose a basic option from us, or invest in our premium product that offers the best value for its price.”

10. “There are two types of people”

Idea: This phrase creates a clear distinction and positions the offer favorably. Example: “There are two types of people: those who invest in quality and those who settle for less. Which one do you want to be?”

11. “I bet you’re a bit like me”

Idea: This phrase builds rapport by finding common ground with the listener. Example: “I bet you’re a bit like me and appreciate getting the best value for your money. Let me show you how our product can meet that expectation.”

12. “If…then”

Idea: This phrase creates a logical connection between an action and a desired outcome. Example: “If you’re looking for high quality at a reasonable price, then our product is a perfect fit for you.”

13. “Don’t worry”

Idea: This phrase reassures the listener and addresses potential concerns. Example: “Don’t worry about the price; we offer flexible payment options that make our product affordable.”

14. “Most people”

Idea: This phrase uses social proof to influence the listener’s decision. Example: “Most people who prioritize value over cost have found our product to be the best choice.”

15. “The good news”

Idea: This phrase introduces positive information that can sway the listener’s decision. Example: “The good news is that our product offers the best features at a price that fits your budget.”

16. “What happens next”

Idea: This phrase guides the listener towards the next steps, making the process clear and straightforward. Example: “What happens next is we schedule a quick demo to show you exactly how our product can save you money.”

17. “What makes you say that?”

Idea: This phrase helps you understand the listener’s perspective and address their concerns directly. Example: “You mentioned concerns about the price. What makes you say that? Maybe I can provide more context on the value we offer.”

18. “Before you make up your mind”

Idea: This phrase encourages the listener to consider additional information before making a decision. Example: “Before you make up your mind about the price, let me show you how our product’s features deliver outstanding value.”

19. “If I can, will you?”

Idea: This phrase sets up a conditional agreement, making it easier for the listener to say yes. Example: “If I can match the price you have in mind, will you consider our product?”

20. “Enough”

Idea: This phrase signals that it’s time to make a decision, creating a sense of urgency. Example: “We’ve discussed the value and benefits; now it’s time to decide if you want to take advantage of our product’s competitive price.”

21. “Just one more thing”

Idea: This phrase adds an additional point that could tip the decision in your favor. Example: “Just one more thing — our product comes with a satisfaction guarantee, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.”

22. “A favor”

Idea: This phrase asks for a small concession, making it easier for the listener to agree. Example: “Can you do me a favor and just take a look at the detailed cost-benefit analysis of our product?”

23. “Just out of curiosity”

Idea: This phrase engages the listener’s curiosity and opens up the conversation. Example: “Just out of curiosity, what would be an acceptable price range for you to consider our product?”

Benefits of Using This Tool:

  • Build Rapport and Trust: Initiate conversations that foster relationships and trust with potential clients.
  • Overcome Objections: Equip yourself with the right words to handle and alleviate customer concerns effectively.
  • Increase Closing Rates: Enhance your ability to close deals efficiently by using well-crafted, proven techniques.

Get Started Today!

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to revolutionize your sales approach and achieve greater success in your business. For free access to this tool until June 14th, and to receive new AI tools weekly, visit Enter your email address and join our email list to unlock a wealth of resources designed to boost your strategy execution and professional development.

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