Signs your parent was a closet narcissist

Looking back at our childhoods isn’t always easy, but it’s the only way we can heal and recover from the closet narcissist in our pasts.

E.B. Johnson | NLPMP | Editor
Practical Growth
Published in
9 min readFeb 5, 2021


A child holds the hand of an adult while they walk down a wooded path.
Image by @Maria_Sbytova via Twenty20

by: E.B. Johnson

Looking back at our childhoods can be a very difficult thing. On one hand, we remember things as rosy and simple. But there are other memories too, and many that closely tie in with our parents and our caretakers. Were you raised by someone who always looked out for you? Or was your parent someone who seemed to put their own interests first? When we grow up as the children of narcissistic parents, healing becomes paramount and the primary pathway to happiness.

Our parents aren’t always who we think they are.

As children, we look up to our caretakers as the first examples of love and connection in this life. From there, they become our idols. We copy the way in which they lead their lives, and we internalize and raise up the behaviors they throw our way. They set the stage for who we become and how we build relationships in our adult lives. But our parents aren’t always who we think they are, nor do they always hold our best interests at heart.

The covertly narcissistic parent grooms…



E.B. Johnson | NLPMP | Editor
Practical Growth

NLPMP Coach | Writer & Content Creator | Sharing my knowedge with the world ⭐️