The Narcissistic Parenting Trait No One Likes to Talk About

Medical care, medical trauma, and medical neglect.

E.B. Johnson | NLPMP | Editor
Practical Growth
Published in
6 min readMay 16, 2022


A parent kneels beside a sick child’s hospital bed with a concerned look.
Image via

by E.B. Johnson

As a child of narcissists, I spend a lot of time writing and coaching people who have experienced early childhood dysfunction. Time-and-time again, I hear stories about children who didn’t get the love or the support that they needed. They tell me all about being ignored, dismissed, and even abandoned…all in the name of their parents’ egos.

One of the most interesting symptoms that I see regularly across many of my clients and readers is medical trauma and neglect. Children who weren’t taken to the doctor, or only taken to receive medical (and mental care) when it was painfully obvious and embarrassing for their narcissistic parent.

That’s right. A shocking number of narcissistic people go on to medically abuse and neglect their children. Enslaved to their own insecurities and their delusions, these toxic parents inflict a deep and lasting damage on their children and harm them in ways that last throughout adulthood.

Narcissistic parents and medical trauma.

Narcissistic and toxic parents don’t treat their children as autonomous future adults, they treat them as accessories and extensions…



E.B. Johnson | NLPMP | Editor
Practical Growth

NLPMP Coach | Writer & Content Creator | Sharing my knowedge with the world ⭐️