Why You Have the Right to Cut Toxic People Out of Your Life

Stop making excuses for bad behavior. No one gets a free pass in this life — and that’s especially true for toxic and abusive people, partners, and family.

E.B. Johnson | NLPMP | Editor
Practical Growth
Published in
4 min readMar 17, 2022


A pair of red and white scissors lay against a yellow background. Cut people out of your life.
Image by @vinilgod via Twenty20

by E.B. Johnson

Every time I tell one of my clients that they’re allowed to cut off parents, friends, co-workers, siblings — they look at me in total shock. Some feel like I’ve spoken a taboo curse over time. Others are stunned into silence…as though the thought never occurred to them before.

We have been too conditioned for too long to think that different rules apply to different people.

Even the top relationships gurus and experts will stand on a stage and tell their listeners to abandon bad spouses. But in the same breath, they will shame and condemn severing ties with others who act just as badly and inflict just as much hurt.

It’s understandable. Who wants to cut out their mom? Or their best friend? Unfortunately, that’s the choice we’re often forced to make. Toxic people are toxic people, and wherever they are, we have to find the strength to cut them off and cut them out of our lives (like the cancer that they are).

Why you’re allowed to cut toxic…



E.B. Johnson | NLPMP | Editor
Practical Growth

NLPMP Coach | Writer & Content Creator | Sharing my knowedge with the world ⭐️ https://linktr.ee/ebjohnson01