5 Tips For Positive Thinking

Kartik Patel
Practical Meditation
5 min readJul 23, 2021

Positivity is a kind of thinking that dwells in the heart, brain and mind of a person. There is no way to define this way of thinking. However, if we illustrate the concept of positivity in this context, it is such thinking that a heart or brain of nobody will experience any strain.

No one can define this way of thinking, but it is palpable. If you are having trouble and are stuck in many ideologies, only positive thoughts will bring you serenity.

It will be disastrous to imagine a life without positive thinking because it could prove to be imperfect. Positive thinking has tremendous power that can transform ignorance into knowledge and even the worst of situations into luminosity. We can control our thoughts. As a result, we must choose whether to think positively or negatively.

Here are some fundamental practical tips for this. How can you put the natural phenomenon of positive thinking into practice?

The first lesson is to never focus on your current circumstances. If you keep thinking about it, oh, it is a pandemic time and I feel so sad. Do not blame anything for everything. Your cognitive process is unreservedly under your control. You are fully aware of what you are thinking at all times.

Practical Tip No: 1

You need to transform the pattern of your thought process naturally. In the current situation, you can use language like this to suggest that you have an unprecedented opportunity to grow from inside beyond doubt. I have got a phenomenal chance to learn something new that truthfully develops me. So instead of dwelling over something, rather than regretting and repenting, choose a reassuring language in your mind.

Practical Tip No: 2

Consider what your life should be rather than what your current situation is because your life does not generate thoughts. But thoughts create life. If you always think positively, your life will be positive. But, if you ponder negativity day and night, you will never perceive how you will spend your life.

You are ultimately an embodied mind, which is nothing more than a rational ability in a human being. It is the enormous growth that has resulted from evolution. You must make proper use of it. So train it to function in this manner, and your ideas will genuinely shape your life.

Your thoughts shape your life. So, depending on your thinking, you have the ability to create the life you choose.

Practical Tip No: 3

The direction of your energy will decide the path of your life. So if you empower your worries and fears furthermore, you will develop a long-lasting tendency to live a fearful and worrisome life.

You will draw similar experiences to yourself. As a result, you will remain in a negative frame of mind. Since your negativity prevents them from achieving their potential strength, get rid of anxiety entirely by affirming positivity round the clock to yourself by stating, “I have no fear. I am a child of God. I am luminous.”

I am supernatural and I hold all the natural forces within me. God is with me. I am omnipotent and my life is full of positivity. I am not the body, mind and intellect, then why should I fear? I am unbeatable, so nothing can stand in my way.

Positive thoughts will develop strength and momentum if you continue to express and maintain this kind of confidence in your mind. Then you will live a life full of positivity only.

Go through this constantly because your mind is restless. Never encourage, incubate, linger or consider negativity in any circumstances. Otherwise, you will energise it even if you do not want to experience and activate it by stimulating it.

Consequently, you must be more vigilant in this context. Keep on monitoring your thoughts constantly and repeat positive affirmations to yourself consistently.

You will notice that your entire experience of life will transform. Imagine you need to go somewhere outside and serve someone. But if you keep on thinking, should I go amid this pandemic and do this task? Your mind is confused and uncertain here.

But if you tell yourself that everything will be alright and awesome. I am impervious, and nothing will happen to me. If you keep on charging your mind with these kinds of thoughts, it can miraculously change the experiences of your life.

It will work spectacularly because your entire subtle mental system will obey your thought process. So practising by instructing your mind continuously is essential. You will start observing changes gradually.

Practical Tip No: 4

Now, you will not turn out to be the person that others consider, but best emerge as whom you trust you are if you believe in yourself.

Thus, do not assign the controls in the wrong hands because they do not belong there. Only your beliefs about yourself will manifest in your life. What other people think of you will come and go. It will vary from time to time. However, what you believe yourself to be, is the truth about you.

It is all you require for achievement in life. Hence, always have faith in yourself. A renowned sage used to insist upon this unconditionally, “He is an atheist who has no faith in himself and not who has no faith in God.” So, having a belief in your everyday actions will shape your glorious destiny.

Imagine and think that you have a bright future. You will succeed if you contemplate upon it and consistently assert it with your thoughts and words. It is as simple as this. Ultimately, you will feel that you sparkle this positivity to the external world wherever you go.

You can demolish all the terrible things in your path if you concentrate and practise a positive mindset. It is as if kicking the rock aside while walking on the road if you are goal-oriented.

If you constantly practice positive thinking, it will naturally provide you with goal orientation and eradicate any negativity from your life. Thus, with the power of positive thinking, you can reach new heights and achieve unbelievable things.

Practical Tip No: 5

It is the most predominant phrase that everyone must remember in life. Your life consists of 10% of what happens and 90% of how you react to it.

It should be a perfect and pleasant experience. Only the wonder of positive thinking makes this possible. You will find this element in the lives of great people. Their mentality was entirely different and bright. What are some ways that we might practice confirming this positivity?

Merely ten percent of your conditions, whatever transpires in your surroundings, will influence. The rest depends on how you respond. So, if your reaction is mature and absolute, you are effectively stable inside yourself. You will have a fantastic experience of life. That is the purpose of life.



Kartik Patel
Practical Meditation

Observation is my nature, writing is my passion and contemplation is my life. I am fond of writing and have been writing for the past 35 yeras.