Benefits Of Meditation

Kartik Patel
Practical Meditation
5 min readAug 3, 2021

The question may arise what meditation is. And why should we meditate? What will happen if you do not sleep sufficiently? Sleep resuscitates you. Meditation, too, makes you aware of the vastness of the universe. It enhances the surrounding energy.

You can say that it makes you aware of your state of being by increasing your light. People would otherwise be unaware that they were alive until they died.

Meditation offers you the ability to comprehend and see things more clearly. You can only grow in strength by being in the spirit of a witness. It creates a unique connection between your body, mind, and soul.

Anger, envy, greed, lying, and sensuality can infect even the smartest of the wise. The clever person is the one who sincerely follows Yama (restraints or ethical norms) and Niyama (observances or self-discipline).

Aside from that, yoga incorporates meditation, which develops a rhythmic interaction between the body, mind, and soul. Your attention is drawn to meditation only.

As a result of focusing on energy, you will experience the transmission of power in your mind and body and the expansion of spiritual strength.

Meditation provides an insight into seeing and comprehending the current moment. Meditation also serves us with the motivation and ability to achieve the objective we currently have in front of us. It is something you would not find in a temple, mosque, church, or gurudwara.

Meditation is the true identity of the self rather than a religion. Everything else is a question of logic and philosophy, both of which may or may not be true. All great people of the world have found everything through meditation.

We are conscious beings. Can you think, who are you — a head, ears, eyes, nose, hands, legs, perfect body, brain or mind? No, we are none of these. It connects our body, mind, and spirit in a rhythmic way. Meditation is required if you wish to discover your true self. You have no option other than this.

How to know the self? Meditation is a powerful spiritual tool that you can use on a regular basis. Divine forces enhance sensations of mental quietness.

The body feels health-conscious when the mind is at peace. Eventually, through a meditative mind, you can focus your energy.

Meditation improves the vision of a person and allows them to make better decisions. Meditation can help you get rid of all kinds of illnesses and unhappiness. Not only that, but your body and mind will be at peace, healthy, and happy.

What do you experience while meditating? All kinds of fear will disappear since you are stable in your true self. Diseases arising out of worry and contemplation will not shake you and vanish.

You will feel healthy if you have tranquillity in your mind. Work will improve with behaviour as time goes on. Love rather than stress will fill the connection. The mood will be upbeat. Only by thinking about success will it begin to approach you.

What is the importance of meditation? Meditation helps to see and understand (observe) the self as it is. By increasing the ability to see clearly, the conscience will awaken. With the awakening of the conscience, the senses will develop.

Due to the consistent practice of meditation, the level of consciousness will rise. And hence, you will realise the detachment of the body from the self at the time of death. After the release of the body, the birth will be in your grasp. That is the importance of meditation.

The only way to know the self and reveal witness consciousness is to master meditation. All other measures are mere illusions except this. If you do not meditate, you are missing out on finding yourself.

You can find the self only by removing the clouds of Maya, bondages of nature and thoughts on our senses to become pure and divine.

The wise men say that keep the self above all in the list of achieving everything in life. Do not miss the self because that is your ultimate goal. A hundred years may pass like a hundred seconds to know the self.

The goal of yoga is to break your sleepiness and awaken you permanently. Therefore, the great Yogi Patanjali developed a ladder of Yama (moral rules), Niyama (positive duties), Āsana (posture), Prānāyama (breathing techniques), Pratyāhāra (withdrawal of senses) and Dhāranā (focus or concentration) to reach the ultimate bliss.

Here are a few benefits of meditation:

Mental benefits:-

Our present life is full of mental fatigue and unnecessary stress due to noise and other environmental pollution. We face needless pressure and mental exhaustion.

Meditation helps you protect yourself from the adverse effects of stress. You can remain free from lethargy since the mind receives fresh energy because of meditation exercises. Meditation is more helpful than yogic sleep.

Your problems become immaterial; worries subside and, the mind gains momentum from meditation. It increases unanimity within you and with others. Whenever you find yourself in any emotional trouble and disturbed mentally, meditation offers you the necessary inspiration and audacity, keeping you calm and sacred from inside.

Physical benefits:-

The body does get complete comfort from meditation, the way the mind receives tranquillity and healthy, stable power from introspection.

Positive life forces are transmitted into the tiniest part of the body by meditation. Hence, you feel the transformation of a new life and health.

Your immune system becomes more powerful than before, which helps you fight the most dangerous diseases.

All the physical aches fade away, and blood pressure comes under control. Meditation increases steadiness in your body, and hence, the body strengthens.

Spiritual Benefits:-

Those who meditate regularly become calm. This state of freedom from storm or disturbance delivers strength to your mind and body. Meditation detaches the mind from the layers of worldly impurities.

It helps you get rid of the evils like affection, greed, anger, lust etc. and makes you more serene. Constant dwelling on witness consciousness inspires accomplishments, but the spiritual seeker who remains only a witness of those material things attains Samādhi (the ultimate state of ecstasy).

If you practice meditation regularly, it will give you unbelievable and unexpected results. Only fifteen minutes a day of meditation practice can offer you unprecedented benefits, but the condition is; you have to make it a daily routine with great dignity.

If you integrate meditation into your daily routine at a specific time, your mind will be automatically prepared for meditation when that time of day or night arrives. You will experience a feeling of joy.

Gradually, start increasing the time by fifteen minutes at a gap of a particular period. If you sow a tiny seed in your mind, it will mature slowly within six months. Eventually, it will take the shape of a giant tree and start giving results.



Kartik Patel
Practical Meditation

Observation is my nature, writing is my passion and contemplation is my life. I am fond of writing and have been writing for the past 35 yeras.