Effects Of Positive Thoughts And Wonders Of Life

Kartik Patel
Practical Meditation
6 min readJul 25, 2021

Everyone knows that patience is required to do any work. We cannot do anything properly if patience and positivity are not maintained. Positive thinking has become such a vital thing in the present world which is very much lacking.

Every person thinks negatively and hence is failing because of negative thinking. Sometimes it seems ridiculous that when everyone knows that thinking positively is necessary and is related to a healthy life. Then, why does not anyone think positive?

Here is a true and inspirational story for developing a meaningful life. This story demonstrates which elements a person needs to build a great life indeed. It is about two brothers who grew up in a slum in extremely needy conditions. These two brothers were very young while growing in a slum. The younger one was five, and the older one was seven years old.

One day they learned that their mother had left them because of the harassment of their father. The father was not doing any job and was a drunkard. He was not careful. So they had no means for education and sometimes even no food at home.

The father wandered around during day time and would come at night drunk and batter them in these poor conditions. Thus, these two boys were in a very pathetic state, but the younger boy had a sign of courage and determination despite the difficulty in this time.

He always kept on thinking to get out of that situation. He did not want to live such an impoverished life. He intended to get out of the life of the slum. Once, he asked his neighbour, who was a kind person, to get him enrolled in the school of that slum area. He started his education there.

He concentrated very hard on his goals because he envisaged a better and accomplished life. He persistently chased his dreams about what he wanted to become and achieve, but not about the condition he was in.

As he grew in age with studies, his skills started illuminating and he became a very bright student. He obtained a scholarship based on his brilliance after he finished school. Later on, he completed his Masters in Business Administration.

Eventually, some noble people helped him to go to the US for advanced studies. He got a reward for his hard work and intelligence. A giant multinational tech company in the United States appointed him as a CEO at the age of thirty and became a millionaire.

He gained popularity because of his poverty-stricken background and soon became a prominent figure in the arena of information technology. He achieved such great success that he began assisting young, struggling kids in the slums of the city.

A globally esteemed magazine covered his entire life story. When the journalist asked him, “Sir, could you please shed some light on what inspired you to become what you are today?” He gently replied, “It was my positive thinking and decisive attitude.

I envisioned my goal and unconditionally focused on it. I precisely knew what my future would be.” Why am I going to become so with such a father and surroundings? His reaction was, “unambiguous attitude will naturally assist you to resist all negative impacts.”

During an interview, the same magazine asked the same question to his older brother, who was still living in the same slum as his father and led a similar life.

When they asked him, “Sir, why did you become what you have become?” He replied, “Because you became what you have become.” What would one become in such conditions, with such a father? He wondered.

Just observe the difference between the two siblings who belonged to the same family and lived together in the same surroundings and circumstances. Yet, one is a bright dazzling star. On the other hand, the elder has made nothing of himself simply because he has never considered that living a decent life is all that matters.

That is why God has gifted such a big mental capacity to the entire human race. Humankind is superior to all the species and is designed to elaborate its divine nature.

You can either progress or regress in life through your thought process. It all rests on how you approach the situation. As a result, the affirmation process and positive thinking will be exceptionally critical in your life. Present youngsters and future generations unquestionably need this.

This requires intense practice. You sit in a small place with a calm mind, which means you sit perfectly motionless in a meditative condition and affirm to yourself over and over again that you are very powerful and that all powers are within you. It is known as affirmation meditations.

Always keep on commanding your mind, “I am the only source of existence. That is why I can manifest anything I desire in my life. I have contained all of the energies and strength within me. And there are no stumbling blocks in my way because God is beside me. My thoughts are with me.”

Inculcate yourself, “My future will be bright. My source is heavenly, so destiny is divine.” It will become a reality in your life. I must execute these affirmations like meditation, especially when facing a crisis. Alter your internal dialogue, remain calm, and repeat these assertions whenever you are in a negative situation.

Swami Vivekananda always insisted that you must take care of your thoughts. He always preached, “All powers are within you. You can do anything and everything.” Believe in this. You are exactly what your thoughts have shaped you to be. So, be cautious whenever you think.

He continued saying, “Call upon the sleeping soul and see how it awakens. Power will come and glory will come. Goodness will come and purity will come. All that is excellent will come once the soul is roused to self-conscious activity.”

You can bring these positive thoughts to existence with the power of meditation and yoga and create a positive life for yourself through your positive energy.

This is an excellent option. Never surrender to the pressures of life and point the finger at others. It is typically an indication of mental illness. Do you blame others? Do you tend to ruminate? Is your anxiety a regular occurrence in your life? These are all the symptoms of mental illness. You are radiating positivity if you are not doing all of this.

You must always be curious to learn the fundamental lessons of life. Spirituality develops skills in your life and will undoubtedly assist you in leading a more prosperous life. If you know these basic principles, your life will be serene. Otherwise, your mind will carry on its own functions and you will not have any command over it.

So, you will live a compulsive life. You feel obliged to press ahead in a specific direction because you do not have control over your subtle instrument. Thus, it is essential to eliminate this irrational behaviour as soon as possible by focusing on positivity and positive thinking. These are the wonders of life.



Kartik Patel
Practical Meditation

Observation is my nature, writing is my passion and contemplation is my life. I am fond of writing and have been writing for the past 35 yeras.