
Commit to Journaling Every Day — Even if It’s Just a Line

30-Day Challenge — Finding Your Journaling Style — Day 6


Commit to Journaling Every Day — Even if It’s Just a Line

We’ve talked about some of the benefits of journaling, and I’ve given you some ways to get started. However, it still may seem a bit daunting to you. Maybe you’re having some trouble committing to the process of journaling on a regular basis. That’s okay. As with any new habit, journaling won’t become automatic right away. That’s why it’s called a practice. Let’s see if we can make it a little easier for you. Follow these suggestions if you want to commit to journaling every single day.

Keep It Simple

Writing multiple paragraphs might be too overwhelming or too much like homework. That’s okay. No one ever said you had to write a mini-novel or even that your entry must be something profound. You may not find insight, depth, or catharsis every time you sit down to write. There’s no need to put that kind of pressure on yourself. On days you’re not feeling it, go ahead and just write one sentence. That’s enough. Even a doodle or a few words that convey a brief message are plenty. What matters is consistency and maintaining your momentum.

