
Find a Way That Works for You — There is No Wrong Way to Journal

30-Day Challenge — Finding Your Journaling Style — Day 28

Jackie Schwabe, MBA, MCC
Practical Personal Development
3 min readSep 28, 2019


Find a Way That Works for You — There is No Right or Wrong Way to Journal

Journaling is such a personal activity. The words you write in your journal are all just for you unless you choose to share them. Because this practice is yours and yours alone, it’s important to understand that you can make it work any way you choose. There’s no right or wrong way to journal. Throughout our time together, I’ve given you several suggestions to help you create a routine that fits your life and preferences. However, these are merely suggestions, not clear-cut rules. You can create a journaling routine that suits you and doesn’t follow anyone else’s style. Follow these tips to customize your journaling experience.

Consider Your Lifestyle

First, you’ll want to think about your lifestyle. Are you a morning or night person? Do you have kids? What types of obligations do you have throughout your day? The answers to these questions will inform your decisions on what time of day you want to write and how frequently you’d like to journal each week. Perhaps every day is too much for…

