
Have You Heard of Gratitude Journals?

30-Day Challenge — Finding Your Journaling Style — Day 7


Have You Heard of Gratitude Journals?

There are many different ways you can journal. One of the most popular types of a journal is the gratitude journal. This is a journaling style based on a simple concept that offers tons of benefits. Nearly anyone can find usefulness in keeping a gratitude journal. People of all walks of life swear by this kind of journal — for good reason. Continue reading to discover more about gratitude journals, their benefits, and how to use them in your own life.

About Gratitude Journals

A gratitude journal is like any other journal, except that its focus is on being grateful. It can be either paper or electronic format. The premise of a gratitude journal is simple. You just write down a few things each day that you’re grateful for and then reflect on them. Typically, three to five items are enough. This process helps you to pay more attention to the positive things in your life and essentially rewires your brain to be able to handle negative issues with resilience.

Benefits of a Gratitude Journal

