
Have You Heard of Writing Morning Pages?

30-Day Challenge — Finding Your Journaling Style — Day 22

Jackie Schwabe, MBA, MCC
Practical Personal Development
3 min readSep 22, 2019


Morning Pages is a concept that was introduced in 1992’s The Artist’s Way by author Julia Cameron. The basic idea behind this practice is to write by hand three full pages of prose every morning when you first wake up. It’s a journaling practice that offers many benefits and has become popular among various types of people, not just artists. Keep reading if you want to learn more about this simple, yet effective, activity. It could just change your life.

About Morning Pages

The trick to Morning Pages is that you must write them by hand, not using an electronic device, and you need to fill three full letter-size pages. In addition, you’ll receive the best benefits if you write them first thing when you wake up. This allows you to approach your journaling with a fresh mind before you allow your ego to throw things such as self-doubt and limiting beliefs your way. There are no other rules to Morning Pages. Specifically, you can write whatever and however, you want. The point is to fill your pages with a stream of consciousness. That means to write anything and everything that comes to your mind. There’s no need to overthink them or worry about the writing you produce. Your writing…

