Practical Wisdom

Healthy Management of Painful and Fear-Based Emotions

Tips for Relief


At some point in our lives, we all deal with painful and negative emotions. Whether those emotions are fear, anxiety, resentment, or other fear-based emotions, if we do not learn to manage those emotions properly, they can get the best of us and destroy us.

Here are a few tips, references to the sources follow the article, that might support your journey in managing your emotions in a healthy way.

Identify the Emotion

You might think that this is a silly tip. So, let me give you a quick example of how this showed up in my life. For a long time when I was overwhelmed, I would get short-tempered and angry. My husband would ask me what was wrong, and of course, I would just say that I was fine. Eventually, he pushed and wanted to know why I was acting so angry. The fact was, I didn’t know because I wasn’t angry. Turned out I was overwhelmed.

So, you cannot properly address something you cannot first identify. This requires a level of self-awareness that allows you to sit with your feelings and…

