
Try Daily Collage Pages to Tap into Your Creative Side

30-Day Challenge — Finding Your Journaling Style — Day 24

Jackie Schwabe, MBA, MCC
Practical Personal Development
3 min readSep 29, 2019


Try Daily Collage Pages to Tap into Your Creative Side

Thus far in our series, we’ve talked about different ways to write in your journal. Writing is a powerful exercise. There are countless ways to use it to gain insight and self-awareness. However, writing isn’t the only approach you can use when it comes to journaling. If you’re the artistic type, you may be interested in giving different art mediums a try. One of the most popular artistic approaches to journaling is collage. Let’s take a look at this type of journal to discover why you may want to try daily collage pages to tap into your creative side while learning more about yourself.

About Collage Pages

Collage pages are simple to make. Most of us have done a collage in art class at one point in our lives. Perhaps you’ve even made vision boards in which you glue images, words, and various types of ephemera on a poster board to represent the things you hope for your life in the future. This is the same concept, except that you put the images in a journal. You can keep a journal that is exclusively meant for collaging or you can simply dedicate a couple pages here and there to…

