
Using Daily Check-In Questions and Journaling Prompts

30-Day Challenge — Finding Your Journaling Style — Day 23

Jackie Schwabe, MBA, MCC
Practical Personal Development
3 min readSep 23, 2019


As you know, journaling can give you a great deal of insight into yourself and your life. Freewriting often leads to self-awareness you hadn’t anticipated. However, sometimes you may find you need a little direction in order to address a particular concern or issue. You can find that type of guidance in check-in questions or journal prompts. These tools add structure to your daily journaling that can lead you to find solutions to specific problems you’re experiencing. Learn how to use daily check-in questions and journaling prompts to improve your writing practice.

About Daily Check-In Questions

Chances are, you check in with people regularly throughout your daily routine. Whether it’s loved ones or random folks you encounter at the grocery store, you probably take the time to ask about the well-being or comfort of others. But how often do you check in on yourself? Daily check-in questions allow you to connect with yourself so that you can determine how you’re feeling about specific aspects of yourself. It’s important to identify sources of discomfort in order to address them. Checking in with yourself lets you get to the bottom of what’s bothering…

