
Welcome and Why You Should Start Journaling & Your Journaling Style

30-Day Challenge — Finding Your Journaling Style — Day 1


Hello and Welcome to 30 Days to Find Your Journaling Style! I’m thrilled you’ve decided to join me on this journey. Journaling is more than a hobby. It’s a practice that can bring you a great deal of clarity in your life, along with a host of other benefits.

What to Expect in the Challenge

In this month’s challenge, I’ll share with you just what journaling is and why it’s such a great practice to start. Hopefully, you will find your own Journaling Style. Whether you consider yourself to be a creative person or not, I’m here to tell you that you can be successful at journaling and truly enjoy the process. In fact, you don’t even need to be a great writer. Your journal is yours and yours alone unless you decide to share or publish it. It’s meant to be a practice for self-growth and reflection.

Benefits of Journaling

Journaling offers a wide variety of great benefits. Understanding them can help motivate you to get started with this practice and motivate you to keep going once you begin. It can help you to become more mindful and aware of the present moment. So…

