
What Should You Write in Your Journal?

30-Day Challenge — Finding Your Journaling Style — Day 3


What Should You Write in Your Journal?

In yesterday’s post, I gave you a couple of simple ways to start journaling. That’s only the tip of the iceberg. There are so many ways you can use this powerful tool. While this might seem overwhelming, I prefer to think of it as exciting. Your journal offers a wide array of opportunities for you to learn and grow. Today, I’d like to explore some more ways you can delve into journaling to get the most benefits based on your needs and desires.

Remember, there’s no right or wrong way to journal. Feel free to give some of these ideas a try and then switch them up if you need more inspiration. Now let’s take a look at some examples of what you could write in your journal.

Break Down Your Goals

A journal is a place for dreaming. A wonderful exercise is to write down some of your biggest goals and break them down into actionable steps you can take each day to make them happen. Keep yourself on track and accountable by checking in regularly and adjusting your plan accordingly if need be.

Take Note of Your Experiences

