Are you humble or just weak?

Zahra Aljabri
Practical Muslim Blog
2 min readJun 22, 2022

We’ve confused what it means to be humble to the point where it is stifling the Muslim community. Many of us shy away from power and influence fearful that it will make us arrogant. Yet, we and the world suffer as those without the skill, understanding, or compassion to have power and influence destroy the world.

Leadership, authority, and playing on a large visible stage is at the core of our faith. The greatest impact of Islam was how it transformed the way the poor, lower tribal status and slaves saw themselves. They were no longer relegated to the lowly position the Arabs had assigned to them.

Islam empowered them to realize they were God’s Deputies and the rose to that status! Going on to lead and transform the world- humble with how they used their authority.

It is a trick of shaytan to make us think it’s better if we play small and be ‘humble’ then to go out and lead. As the saying goes- All that is needed for evil to prevail is for good (wo)men to do nothing.

Humility does not mean mediocre.

Humility does not mean declining or not pursing authority.

Humility requires that we have something to be humble about otherwise we’re just weak.

This is explained and expanded on powerfully in this 3 minute clip below:

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Zahra Aljabri
Practical Muslim Blog

I empower bold Muslims to connect with their Divine essence so they can transform their lives & bring in abundant love, peace and wealth! Ready for coaching?